Revocar Fiducia Supplicans. Lista completa y definitiva de los firmantes   

3 Marzo 2024 Pubblicato da



Marco Tosatti

Queridos amigos y enemigos de Stilum Curiae, hace algún tiempo publicamos este artículo, en el que informamos de una Petición Filial lanzada en todo el mundo para la revocación de Fiducia Supplicans.

Este fue el texto del llamamiento:

Llamamiento filial

A todos los Cardenales y Obispos de la Iglesia Católica

Eminencias, Excelencias:

Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, sacerdotes, eruditos y autores católicos, les escribimos con motivo del último documento publicado por el Dicasterio para la Doctrina de la Fe, Fiducia Supplicans, que tanto escándalo ha causado en la Iglesia en este último período navideño.

Como es sabido, una parte importante del episcopado mundial prácticamente lo ha rechazado, por su evidente ruptura con las Escrituras y la Tradición de la Iglesia. Veinte conferencias episcopales, decenas de prelados e incluso cardenales investidos de los más altos cargos, como el cardenal Müller y el cardenal Sarah, han expresado un juicio inequívoco de condena. Así como las Confraternidades del clero católico del Reino Unido, Estados Unidos y Australia. Nunca en la historia de la Iglesia católica un documento del Magisterio romano había sufrido un rechazo tan fuerte.

De hecho, a pesar de su reafirmación explícita de la doctrina tradicional de la Iglesia sobre el matrimonio, resulta que la práctica pastoral que el documento permite está en directa oposición a ella. Tanto es así que el documento fue acogido muy favorablemente por esos pocos episcopados y prelados que durante décadas han apoyado abiertamente un cambio en la doctrina sobre la moral sexual. Es evidente que el mensaje práctico que transmite esta nueva Declaración es mucho más acorde con el programa y las ideas de quienes quieren cambiar la doctrina, que con la doctrina misma que el documento pretende mantener intacta.

El documento intenta efectivamente introducir una separación entre doctrina y liturgia, por un lado, y práctica pastoral, por el otro. Pero esto es imposible: de hecho, la pastoral, como toda acción, presupone siempre una teoría y, por tanto, si la pastoral hace algo que no corresponde a la doctrina, lo que se propone es en realidad una doctrina diferente.

La bendición de una pareja (ya sea “litúrgica” o “pastoral”) es, por así decirlo, un signo natural. El gesto concreto dice algo en forma natural, y en consecuencia tiene un efecto comunicativo natural e inmediato, que no puede ser modificado artificialmente por las advertencias verbales del documento. La bendición como tal, en el lenguaje universal de la humanidad, implica siempre una aprobación de lo que se bendice

Por lo tanto, la señal concreta que se da con esta bendición, frente al mundo entero, es que las “parejas irregulares”, tanto extramaritales como homosexuales, según la Iglesia católica, ahora serían aceptables para Dios, precisamente en el tipo de unión que las configura específicamente como pareja. Tampoco tiene sentido separar “pareja” de “unión”, como intentó hacer el cardenal Fernández, ya que una pareja lo es por la unión que le da existencia.

El hecho de que queden excluidos del acto otras circunstancias significativas y accidentales como el tiempo, el lugar o los adornos como flores y vestidos de novia no cambia la naturaleza del acto, ya que el gesto central y esencial permanece. Además, todos sabemos por experiencia cuánto valen esas “restricciones” y cuánto duran.

El hecho es que el sacerdote bendice a dos personas que se presentan como pareja, en sentido sexual, y precisamente una pareja definida por su relación objetivamente pecaminosa. Por lo tanto -independientemente de las intenciones e interpretaciones del documento, o de las explicaciones que el sacerdote intente dar- esta acción será el signo visible y tangible de una doctrina diferente, que contradice la doctrina tradicional.

Recordemos que la doctrina tradicional sobre la materia debe considerarse infalible, como lo confirman inequívocamente la Escritura y la Tradición, una tradición universal e ininterrumpida, ubique et semper. Y hay que recordar que se trata de una doctrina de derecho natural, que no permite ningún cambio.

En la práctica, los fieles ni siquiera serán conscientes de las sutiles justificaciones teóricas introducidas por la Declaración, y mucho menos de las añadidas en la reciente aclaración sobre la Declaración.

El mensaje que realmente se está enviando, y que inevitablemente el pueblo de Dios y el mundo entero registrarán y ya están registrando, es el siguiente: La Iglesia católica finalmente ha evolucionado y ahora acepta las uniones homosexuales y, más en general, las uniones extramatrimoniales.

Esta situación justifica plenamente el rechazo decidido de muchas conferencias episcopales, de muchos prelados, de muchos estudiosos y de muchos simples laicos. En este contexto, no es en absoluto justificable, especialmente para un cardenal o un obispo, permanecer en silencio, ya que el escándalo que ya se ha verificado es grave y público y, si no se detiene, está destinado a amplificarse cada vez más. La amenaza no es menor sino más grave, porque el error proviene de la Sede romana, y está destinado a escandalizar a todos los fieles, y sobre todo a los pequeños, a los simples fieles que no tienen forma de orientarse y defenderse en esta confusión: “Cualquiera que haga tropezar a uno de estos pequeños que creen en mí, más le valdría que le colgaran al cuello una piedra de molino y lo hundieran en lo profundo del mar” (Mt 18, 6).

Los pastores y todos aquellos que tienen alguna responsabilidad en la Iglesia se han erigido en centinelas: “Si el centinela ve venir la espada y no toca el cuerno, para que el pueblo no sea advertido, y cuando viene la espada mata a uno de ellos, perecerá por su culpa, pero yo pediré al centinela que dé cuenta de su sangre” (Ez.33, 6).

En vista de lo anterior, les imploramos fervientemente:

(1) Sigan el ejemplo valiente de muchos hermanos obispos en todo el mundo: prohíban inmediatamente la aplicación de este documento en sus diócesis.

(2) Pidan directamente al Papa que retire urgentemente este desafortunado documento, que está en contradicción tanto con la Escritura como con la Tradición universal e ininterrumpida de la Iglesia y que claramente produce un grave escándalo.


En este momento difícil, una palabra clara de verdad sería el mejor ejemplo de vuestra entrega fiel y valiente al pueblo de Dios que os ha sido confiado, un signo de fidelidad a la verdadera misión del Papado y al mismo tiempo la mejor ayuda para el propio Papa, una elocuente “corrección fraterna”, que necesita urgentemente en este último y más crítico período de su pontificado y probablemente de su vida. Si se actúa con prontitud, todavía hay alguna esperanza de que pueda salvar su pontificado y su persona misma de una mancha que, de otro modo, podría pesarle en forma indeleble, no sólo en la historia, sino también en la eternidad.


A continuación la lista completa de los firmantes, recibida de la amiga y colega Maike Hickson, de LifeSiteNews:

Firmantes adicionales, 1 de marzo de 2024

Most Rev. Joseph Strickland, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas

Matt C. Abbott, B.A., A.A.S., Catholic commentator/journalist, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Kellée Abner, MD, Pope John Paul II Bioethics Commission, West Virginia

Dennis Adams, MD, San Jose, California

Ruth Albrecht, internal medicine doctor, member of Doctors for Life, Germany

Msgr. Richard C. Antall, Pastor, Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Cleveland, Ohio

Deacon Tony Anthony, Holy Guardian Angels Church, Irvington, Kentucky, and St Rose of Lima church, Cloverport, Kentucky

Louis C. Argenta, MD, Professor of Surgery, North Carolina

Gavin Ashenden, PhD, former senior lecturer in the Psychology of Religion at the University of Sussex, Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald, UK  

Rev. José Manuel Alonso Ampuero, Fidei Donum priest in Perú

Chupryna Anhelina, LLM (Master of Laws), barrister, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine

Rev. Leo F. Arnone, CDR, CHC, USNR, Pastor of St. Aloysius and St. Francis Xavier parishes and All Saints Catholic School, Cresson, Pennsylvania, Altoona-Johnstown Diocese

Mercedes Aroz, former Congresswoman and Senator in the Spanish Parliament

Ada Baccari, former Chancellor and General Director of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy

Kathelyne Baeten, doctor in pharmaceutical sciences, Flandres, Belgium

Rev. Michael Baker, MIC, Darien, Illinois

Prof. Andrea Balbo, PhD, University of Turin, Italy

Kasandra Barker, Change Point Pregnancy and Parenting Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Dr. Gianpaolo Barra, founder and editor emeritus of Il Timone, Milan, Italy

Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, MA, MLitt, PhD, Associate Professor of Political Science, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Rev. Christopher Basden, Rector, St Augustine’s Shrine, Ramsgate, Kent, UK

Mark Baumeister, PhD, Senior Scientist, IVD Diagnostics, Austin, Texas

Rev. David M. Baunach, Pastor, St. Eustachius and St. Cecilia, Portageville and Kennett, Missouri

Philip M. Beattie BA(Hons)(Leeds), MBA(Glasgow), MSc (Warwick), Dip. Stats (Dublin), Economist and University Senior Lecturer Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy (FEMA), University of Malta; President, Maltese Society for Christian Civilisation Pro Malta Christiana.

Deacon James Beaudette, Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Rev. Daniel J. Becker, PhD, priest of the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts; Chaplain, St Benedict Center in Harvard, Massachusetts

Ambrus Béla, anthropologist, publicist, international policy analyst, Cluj-Napoca, România

Deacon Joseph Bell, MTh, Chancellor, Diocese of Reno, Nevada

Fr Lee Bennett, Priest of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, Parochial Administrator of the Parishes of Ss. Thomas Aquinas and Stephen Harding in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, UK

Federico Bennicelli, MD, Genoa, Italy

Rev. Paolo Berti, priest of the Diocese of Rome, missionary in Ethiopia

Marco Bianchetti, MD, Oberkirch, Switzerland

Leonora Bianchi, PhD, Board of Directors of a Catholic school, Italy

Rev. Ewald Billharz, pastor of the Archdiocese Freiburg, Emmingen-Liptingen, Germany

Rev. Viktor Bilous, Rector of the Seminary, professor of the moral theology, Gorodok, Ukraine

Rev. Jean-Jacques Binda Mbungu, pastor of the parish of Saint Ferdinand, Diocese of Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo

Francesco Biuso, PhD, Philosophy of Law, Sorbonne; Franciscan tertiary, Paris, France

Christoph Blath, Pro Sancta Ecclesia, editor of IK Nachrichten, Germany

Isaac Block, MA Phil, STM, teacher, Houston, Texas

Robert Bogdański, Catholic journalist and publicist, Bieniewice, Poland

Rev. Ihor Bohachevsky, priest of the UGCC, administrator of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Hrabova, Ukraine

Alberto Bonifacio, President of Association Regina della Pace, Lecco, Italy

Prof. Alberto Bosi, Honorary Full Professor of Haematology, University of Florence, Italy

Don Armando Bosani, parish priest, Italy

Dr Giuseppe Bracchi, JCD, ecclesiastical lawyer at the Umbrian Regional Ecclesiastical Court,  Montefiascone, Italy

Don Stefano Braconi, former electrical engineer, priest, and hermit, diocese of Arezzo, Italy

Antonio Brandi, president of Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus, Rome, Italy

James L. Brewer III, MD, Lovingston, Virginia

Frances Brown, PhD, Professor Emeritus, History, Kentucky

Anna Buoncristiani, author, Pisa, Italy

Biagio Buonomo, PhD, Professor of Ancient History, former culture editor of L’Osservatore Romano (1990–2011), Naples, Italy

Itria Burrai, MD, retired Professor of Internal Medicine, Università Cattolica, Roma, Italy

Rev. David Butler, MA, consecrated hermit, UK

Lucia Buttaro, judge, Bari, Italy

Rev. Gerard M. Byrne, STB, parish priest, St Thomas Aquinas and All Saints Parish, Bletchley, UK

Paul A. Byrne, MD, President, Life Guardian Foundation

Gian Pietro Caliari, PhD, International Relations, MA Political Science and International Law, MA Philosophy, Brescia, Italy

Very Rev. Donald Calloway, MIC, Vicar Provincial, Marian Fathers, Steubenville, Ohio

Dr. Kenneth R. Calvert, Professor of Ancient History, Hillsdale College, Michigan

Isobel F. C. Camp, lecturer in philosophy, Rome, Italy

Rev. Dwight P. Campbell, STD, JD, Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Therese of Lisieux Parishes, Kenosha, Wisconsin

Mario Caponnetto, university professor emeritus, author, Argentina

Deacon Kurt Carlson, MD, Sierra Vista, Arizona

Pedro Erik Carneiro, PhD in International Relations, author of Teoria e Tradição Católica (2016) and Ética Católica para Economia (2019), Brazil

Rev. John Carney, priest of the archdiocese Santa Fe, New Mexico

Rev. Thomas Carr, Mphil, DPhil Theology from Oxford, former Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies, President of the Lay Dominican Chapter of Ave Maria, Florida

Rosemere Carrareto, lawyer, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Deacon Joey Carrion, Miami, Florida

Harry D. Carrozza, MD, past President of the Philadelphia & Tucson Catholic Physicians Guild

Luigi Casalini, editor of the Italian blog Messainlatino, Italy

Rev. Father James Cascione, CSsR, MDiv, MRE, Roman Catholic priest, Saint Clement’s Mission House, Ephrata, Pennsylvania

Rev. Eloy Castaldo Párroco, degree in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, parish priest, Chile

Rev. Alberto Castellani, rector of the Sanctuary Madonna del Cerro, Sassoferrato, Italy

Rev. Carlos Mauricio Castelló Escrig, Castellón, Spain

John Castiglia, MD, Scottsdale, Arizona

Rev. Timothy W. Castor, parish priest, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Sturgis, Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota

Rev. Edmund A. Castronovo, Pastor, Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Verona, New York

Silvia Francescotti Cavaliere, MD Psychiatrist, Lausanne, Switzerland

Giovanni Ceroni, MA Bioethics, John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, Rome, Italy

Rev. Paul Chandler, PhD, administrator, Sacred Heart Parish, Inverell, NSW, 2360, Australia

Phillip Chavez, PhD, Executive Director,, Temecula, California

Davide Checchi, MD, Rome, Italy

Rev. Zachariah Chichester, STL, Diocese of Albany, New York

Maria Chodyko, PhD, Warsaw, Poland

Dr. Claudio Circelli, doctor of sociology, teacher, journalist, book author, Italy

Rev. Bailey Clemens, priest, Diocese of Baker, Oregon

Rev. Antonio Clementi, Cura di Vetralla, Italy

Angula Cletus, BDSP, CEO Lushuma General Enterprise, Yola Adamawa State, Nigeria

Giovanni Codevilla, former professor of Comparative Ecclesiastical Law, University of Trieste, Italy

Michel Collin, professor of philosophy at Institution des Chartreux and Ircom, Lyon, France

Rev. Timothy Combs, OP, Chaplain, St. Thomas Academy, St. Paul, Minnesota

Andrew Comiskey, Founder/Director of Desert Stream Ministries/Living Waters, Grandview, Missouri

Rev. Edward B. Connolly, MDiv, Med, pastor emeritus, St. Joseph Parish and St. Vincent dePaul Parish, Girardville, Pennsylvania

John Connolly, PhD, Research and Development Chemistry, Peabody, Massachusetts

David Conversi, PhD, Associate Professor, Psychology, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Deacon Karl T. Cooper, Professor of Theology, Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts, Warner, New Hampshire

Maria José Côrte-Real Freire de Andrade, clinical psychologist, Coimbra, Portugal

Stephen Alexander Coston, Sr., book author, Saint Petersburg, Florida

Roberto Culivicchi, Esq., canonist, former lawyer at ecclesiastical tribunals in Italy

Kenneth C. Dagel, PhD, Watertown, South Dakota

Martin Daly, BA, H.Dip in Education, MA in theological studies of marriage and family, John Paul II Institute, Pontifical Lateran, County Mayo, Ireland

Fr Joseph de Dinechin, MEP, parish priest of St Francis of Assisi parish in Hualien City, Taiwan

Rev. John C. De Celles, STL, Pastor, St. Raymond of Penafort Parish, Springfield, Virginia

Rev. Sabino Decorato, parish priest, Gattico Veruno, Novara, Italy

Francisco José Fernández de la Cigoña, author at Infovaticana, Madrid, Spain

Rev. Pio Vito De Mattia, moral theologian, canonist in matrimonial jurisprudence, Italy

Rev. Phillip W. DeVous, Pastor, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Flemingsburg and St. Rose of Lima Parish, May’s Lick, Kentucky

Francisco José Fernández de la Cigoña, Catholic author and blogger, Madrid, Spain

João Pedro de Sousa Mendonça Correia, JCD, attorney at law, canonist, Faculty of Canon Law, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Lisbon, Portugal

Rev. Alvaro Delgado, Associate Pastor, St. Anthony Church, Manteca, California

George Delgado, MD, President, Steno Institute, San Diego, California

Jose María Delgado, MD, Professor of Oncology, Brigade General, Madrid, Spain

Kevin D. Dello Iacono, Masters in Biblical Studies, Scituate, Rhode Island

Giorgio De Pol, PhD Economy, Hamburg, Germany

Frances DiBetta, MA theology, THd cand., teacher of theology, Red Bank Catholic High School, Monmouth County, New Jersey

Rev. Louis Di Rocco, BA, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto; STB, Angelicum, Rome, priest, Archdiocese of Kingston, Canada

Rev. Antonio Diufain Mora, parish priest of San Severiano, Diocese of Cadiz and Ceuta, Spain

Rev. Denis M. Donahue, MA, Pastor, St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Falls Church, Virginia

William E. Dotterweich, founder of Evangelium Vitae Medal at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana

Rev. Mark Desser, Catholic Mission of Tadjourah, Djibouti

Rev. Dr. Christopher Dowd, OP, Lecturer, Catholic Theological College, Melbourne, Australia

Johann du Toit, attorney, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng Province, South Africa

Deacon Tom Dushney, MA, Kentucky

Mike Dycus, former director of Central Nebraska’s United for Life, Nebraska

Veronica Eberhart, MD, Encourage Apostolate, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Mag. Dr. theol. Franz Ehgartner, Pfarrer, St. Peter i. Sulmtale, Austria

Sam Entile, MA Theology, author, Naperville, Illinois

Prof. Dr. Thomas Eppacher, retired pastor, Rainbach im Mühlkreis, Austria

Deacon Arnaldo Espinel, theologian, Houston, Texas

Luís Filipe Esquível Freire de Andrade, lawyer, Portugal

Deacon David Etters, MA, Diocese of Lansing, Michigan

Dr. Richard J. Fafara, PhD, Professor of Philosophy; Fellow of the AdlerAquinas Institute

Robert Faraci, PhD, retired Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, Seton Hall University, New Jersey

Tonny-Leonard Farauanu, STM, STL, BSc, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ignacio García Fariña, economist and MBA IESE, Tenerife, Spain

Albert Felicitas, B.Ed., B.R.E., M.R.E

Dr. James Fennessy, MA, MSW, JD, LCSW, Matawan, New Jersey

Dr. Eileen Fera, licensed clinical psychologist in Illinois

Rev. Alessandro Fini, Parish Church of San Lorenzo Martire, Marano sul Panaro, Italy

Anna-Maria Fischer, assistent doctor, Pamitz, Mecklenburg, Germany

Thomas M. Fitzpatrick, MD, retired Associate Professor, Oregon

Timothy Flanders, Editor, OnePeterFive

Rev. Ronnie P. Floyd, STL, Pastor, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Carlo Giuliano Foresti, lawyer, Salò, Italy

Deacon Keith Fournier, JD, MTS, MPhil, Constitutional Lawyer, Moral Theologian, President and Founder, Common Good Foundation, Tyler, Texas

Christina Fox, B.A. (Hons.) and B.Div. (Hons.), author and teacher

Samuel S. Frankel, Jr., Esq., LL.M., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Dr. Edgar A. Gamboa, physician and surgeon, Prunedale, California

Matt Gasper, Managing Editor, Catholic Family News

Rev. Janvier Gbénou, PhD in philosophy, priest, Benin Republic

Judith Marie Gentle, PhD, theology, USA

Dr. Marie I. George, Professor of Philosophy, St. John’s University, New York

Rev. Theophan (Roman) Geto, Greek Catholic priest, Ukraine

Brad Gholston, MA Theology and Christian Ministry, Knoxville, Tennesee

Dr. Marta Ginebra-McCormack, MD, Naperville, Illinois

Eric Salvatore Giunta, Attorney at Law, Tallahassee, Florida

Maria Santina Gliozzo, MD, Pavarolo, Italy

Guilhem Golfin, PhD Philosophy, Paris, France

Dr. Jules Gomes, Rome, Italy

Melissa Gonzalez Porras, missionary, Costa Rica

Dr. Artur Górecki, historian, educator, rector of Collegium Intermarium; former Director of the Department of General Education and Core Curriculum at the Ministry of Education, Poland

Agostino Grassilli, pastoral theologian, Studio Teologico Accademico Bolognese, Bologna, Italy

Lucia Grasso, biologist, Genoa, Italy

Deacon Joseph F. Gray, Eden, New York

Deacon Michael A. Grella, Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Julie Grimstad, Vice President, Healthcare Advocacy & Leadership Organization, Bedford, Texas

Wojciech Grzywacz, Catholic journalist, Toruń, Poland

Rev. Sylvère Gschwend, pastor in the Dioese of Strasbourg, Tagsdorf, France

Deacon Joe Guzman, Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma

John P. Haigh, AIA, Associate Professor of Architecture & Department Chair, Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas

Dr. Don Hall, ND, Lexington, Kentucky

Patrick Harrison, PhD, Warsaw, Poland

Colin Harte, PhD Theology, Dorset, England

Dr. Winnie B. Heartstrong, PhD, Hagerstown, Maryland

Dr. Joachim Heimerl, priest, Vienna, Austria

Federico Hernández Aguilar, poet, writer, and Catholic columnist, El Salvador

Olha Herasymenko, author and journalist, member of Una Voce Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Patricia Hershwitzky, Ed.S., educator and author, Palm Bay, Florida

Joseph M. Horejsi, MD, Seal Beach, California

Rev. Laszlo Horvath OFM, chaplain to Hungarian and German communities in Adelaide, South Australia

Gary W. Houchens, PhD, Director, Educational Leadership Doctoral Program, Professor, School of Leadership & Professional Studies, Western Kentucky University

Rev. Michael Hughes, Pastor, St Gertrudes Church, Toronto, Canada

Nataliia Hrom, Strilky Youth Centre, Lviv, Ukraine

Olena Hural, radiologist, Germany

Rev. Marcos Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza Infantes, hospital chaplain, Madrid, Spain

Roberto Iemmi, MD, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Stefano Imperiali, judge, author, Naples, Italy

Rev. Bernard Jacob, PhD Theology, France

Michał Jędryka, journalist and Catholic publicist, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Deacon Patrick Jones, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Sr. Judith-Marie de Saint Laurent, Belgium

Laerta Kakariqi, Associate Professor, pharmacologist, Tirana, Albania

Rev. Remigiusz Kalski, SJ, parish priest of Saint Michael Archangel Parish, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Rev. Anthony Kazarnowicz, Associate Pastor, Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts

Dan Kennedy, LifeTalk on Sacred Heart Radio Seattle, board member & former CEO of Human Life of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Rev. Dennis W. Kleinmann, Pastor, Saint Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly, Virginia

Rev. Daniel-Maria Klimek, priest, professor of spirituality, and author, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rev. Peter Klos, STL, parish priest of the Blessed Triniy Parish in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Artem R. Klymenko, Master of Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Barrister, Kiev, Ukraine

Dr. hab. Zdzisława Kobylińska, teacher, philosopher, journalist, Olsztyn-Dobre Miasto, Poland

Rainer Kochinke, religion teacher and author, Rheine, Germany

Christel Koehler, OV, PhD (designata), Theology Professor, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, France

Edward Korczynski, author, Sebastian, Florida

Rev. Dr. Mgr. Jiri Korda, Pastor of Roman Catholic parish Zruc nad Sazavou, Czech Republic

Maciej Koziołek, founder and representative of the association of lay Catholics “Przybądźcie Wierni,” Myszczyn, Poland

Mary Ann Kreitzer, Catholic author, Woodstock, Virginia

Rev. Jan Krutewicz, MDiv, priest, Archdiocese of Chicago, resident at McDonagh House, South Holland, Illinois

Rev. Cyril Kubánek, Zlonice, Diocese of Prague, Czech Republic

Rev. Krzysztof Kukulka OFMConv., former superior in Uzbekistan

Father Roman Laba, OSPPE, PhD biblical theology, parish priest in the Roman Catholic parish in Brovary, Ukraine

Albert Lamoureux, MA, LMHC, NCC, CCMHC, Catholic psychotherapist in private practice,

Lumen Counseling, Jacksonville, Florida

Ingo Langner, editor-in-chief, CATO Verlag, Berlin, Germany

Rev. John T. Lankeit, Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona

Ester Maria Ledda and Dorotea Lancellotti, founders of the website Cooperatores Veritatis, Italy

Rev. James Lehrberger, O.Cist, Ph.D, Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Dallas, Texas

Rev. Paul Lester, Archdiocese of Birmingham, UK

Justin Leugers, MD, South Bend, Indiana

John Gerard Lewis, author, Lenexa, Kansas

Maryanne M. Linkes, JD, USA

Deacon Earl H. Lombardo, Trenton, New Jersey

Rev. John P. Lovell, Diocese of Rockford and Co-founder of the Coalition for Canceled Priests

Deacon Steve Lowe, currently assigned to Saint Mary’s, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mt. Carmel, Illinois

Oswaldo Javier Lozano de la Garza, Former Assistant Professor of Theological Anthropology and Theology of the Body, John Paul II Institute in Monterrey, México

Dr. Martin Luder, theologian and author, Ketter, South Africa

Dr. Colm Mac Carthy, FCFP, CCFP, Assistant Clinical Professor in Family Medicine at the University of Alberta (retired), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Jan Maciejewski, writer and essayist, columnist of national newspaper Rzeczpospolita, Poland

Rev. Gordon J. MacRae, AB, STM, MDiv, author,, Concord, New Hampshire

Dr. Leo H. Madden, Professor Emeritus of Theology, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, Ohio

William Mahrt, professor, music, Stanford University; President, Church Music Association of America

Rev. Jean-Paul Tidi Makambila, Master in Moral Theology, parish priest, Diocese of Matadi, Democratic Republic of Congo

Dr. Radomír Malý, PhD, Catholic, church historian and publicist, former university professor of church history, Brno, Czech Republic

Randal Mandock, PhD, retired professor of physics, director of religious education, Atlanta, Georgia

Michaël Manuel, Professor of Biology, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Pasquale Marinaccio, author, Foggia, Italy

Pablo Augusto Marini, BA Philosophy UNSTA, BA Religious Education FASTA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Taylor Marshall, Texas

Mary Wade Martin, MD, FACOG, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma

Laura Mauri, university researcher, Gorgonzola, Italy

Jose G. Melendez III, JD, Texas

Professor Ki-Ti Mao Miau, Theology Professor at the University of Rúhé zuò dào fēi chuántǒng, Hong Kong

Deacon Michael Marsili, western Kentucky

Dr. rer. nat. Lukas Matuschek, Brühl, Germany

Rev. Michal Matysik, representative of Fidei Donum Polish Priests in Zambia

James M. May, PhD, Professor of Classics Emeritus, Northfield, Minnesota

Nicholas F. Mazza, PhD (Educational Leadership), MA (Theology), MA (Sociology), author, Myrtle Beach, North Carolina

Rev. Dr. Eunan McDonnell, SDB

Enrique A. McDougal, MBA-UQAM, Professor of PUCMM, author, Dominican Republic

Kieran J. McGuire, Ed.D.

Pilar Calva Mercado, MD, MA Bioethics, specialist in human genetics, Mexico

Terkula Marvins Mgbajimeh, engineer, Protestant evangelist, Abuja, Nigeria

Andrzej Mikosz, lawyer, former Minister of the State Treasury, Poland

Leila Miller, Catholic author and speaker, Phoenix, Arizona

Brad Miner, Senior Fellow, Faith & Reason Institute; Senior Editor,

Deacon Mario G. Mirabelli, PhD, Horsham, Pennsylvania

Charles Molineaux, KM, JCL, writer, McLean, Virginia

Prof. Dr. Ramón Mollá, Valencia, Spain

Albert Monillas, Diocese of Camden, BA Philosophy, MA Theology, Doctorate in Educational Leadership; theology teacher; residing in dioceses of Phoenix and Gallup

Cecilia Montinovo, Doctor of Ancient Literature, Italy

Dario Montrasio, theologian, philosopher of logic and epistemology, religion teacher, Milan, Italy

Mark Moorhead, MA Theology, author, podcaster, former theology teacher for the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio

Luis E. Moreno, MA History, MA Theology/Philosophy

Dr. Olga Muñoz Reyes, JD, Pro-life Association Pronacer, Ecuador

Peter D. Murphy, MA, MTS, MLIS, Canada

Mykola Myshovskyi, priest, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Stephen Alan Isaac Nagy, Past Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus, Amherst Council #1619; President, Laymen’s Academy for Oecumenical Studies, Amherst, Massachusetts

Rev. Charles Nahm, BSc, DDS, STD, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Rev. Joshua Nance, Pastor of Our Lady of the Hills Mission, Glenwood, West Virginia

Michael T. Napierkowski, MD, Denver, Colorado

Carmine Napolitano, MD, Chief Department of General and Oncologic Surgery, Salerno, Italy

Dr. Roberta Nataloni, pediatrician, Fernandina Beach, Florida

Iryna Nesterova, MD, general practitioner, Turku, Finland

Dr Mark Stephen Nesti, PhD, psychologist, author, retired professor, Scotland

Dr. Claude E. Newbury, MB, BCh, DTM&H, DCH, MFGP, DOH, DPH, DA, MMed, South Africa

Daniel O’Connor, MA, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Religion, State University of New York Community College, Hudson Valley, New York

Timothy J. O’Donnell, MA Theology, professor of philosophy and ethics, Ivy Tech Community College, North Vernon, Indiana

Rev. Joseph O’Hara, priest of Diocese of LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Slawomir Olejniczak, President of Father Piotr Skarga Association, Krakow, Poland

Muzychko Olexander, historian, professor, Odessa, Ukraine

Sean Ollech, board member, Prince George Prolife; catechist, Diocese of Austin, Texas

Dr. Marcin Olszówka, PhD, Collegium Intermarium, Warsaw, Poland

Leonardo Arana Orono, Catholic author, Norwalk, Connecticut

Dr. James O’Rourke, professor emeritus of philosophy, St. Anselm College, New Hampshire

Rev. Jakub Ostrożański RCI, Parochial Vicar, San Lorenzo Parish, Trezzano sul Naviglio, Italy

Artur Paczyna, former President of the Main Council of the Silesian Association of the Faithful Latin Tradition (2006–2016), Poland

Frank Padilla, Papal Knight, Noble Knighthood of the Pontifical Order of St Sylvester; Founder, Missionary Families of Christ; Member, Pontifical Council for the Family (2003–2015), Manila, Philippines


Rev. Guy Pagès, Catholic priest, Paris, France

Javier Paredes, PhD, retired Professor of Contemporary History, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain

James B. Parker, PhD, clinical-medical psychology, South Dakota

Dr. Jacopo Parravicini, Assistant Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Florence, Italy

Dante Pastorelli, PhD, Governor of the Confraternity of S. Girolamo e S. Francesco Poverino, Florence, Italy

Rev. Eoin W. Patten, MA(Hons) STB, parish priest, Diocese of Paisley, Scotland

Rev. Jeffrey A. Paveglio, Chaplain, US Army, Columbia, South Carolina

Rev. Domenico Pedullà, Montfort Missionary, Zambia

Deacon Edward Peitler, PhD, Front Royal, Virginia

Alessandro Perazzo, MD, Chiavari, Italy

Rev. Nuno Serras Pereira, OFM, Lisbon, Portugal

Marcos Vera Perez, BA Philosophy, Director of the Centro Televisivo Tekton, Founder of the Centro de Jóvenes de San José y de Hijos de San José, Spain

José A. Pérez-Stuart, MA Psych, Mexico City, Mexico

Dr. Kamiile Peter, St Joseph the Worker Parish, Bimbilla, NR, Ghana; Chairman of Catholic Men’s Society and Medical Director of Alaafie Medical Centre, Bimbilla, Ghana

Dr. Hierdie Petisie, PhD, writer, catechist and pro-life activist, n-Verleentheid, South Africa

Evan Pham, MA Theology, BPhil, Assistant Headmaster and Humanities Instructor, Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Detroit, Michigan

Pater Victor Theodor Pilip, parochial administrator, Chasliwtsi, Ukraine

Marian Piłka, former vice-chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the Polish parliament, Poland

Levi J. Pingleton, editor-in-chief of TruthWorthy, Moberly, Missouri

Rev. Giles Pinnock, hospital chaplain, London, England

Alyssa L. Pitstick, STD, theologian, USA

Sr. Antonella Pitzalis, Diploma ITCG Orroli, Sardegna, Italy

Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky, Pastor, Saint Catherine Catholic Church, Great Falls, VA

Francesca Romana Poleggi, Directive Committee, ProVita & Famiglia, Onlus, Italy

Claudio Prandini, pedagogist, author, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Dr. Charles P. Prezzia, MD, MPH, MMM, FRSM, Past President of the Catholic Medical Association, Clinton, Pennsylvania

Deacon Michael D. Quinlan, JD, LLM, St. Louis, Missouri

Kateryna Rabey, Family Foundations Program, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

Marco Radaelli, Professor of Philosophy, Italy

Federico María Rago, BA Philosophy, Argentina

Dr. John C. Rao, D.Phil., Oxford, Chairman, The Roman Forum; Associate Professor of History at St. John’s University (1979–2022), New York

Juan Jesús Ramírez Revilla, moral theologian, León Guanajuato, México

Renacito R. Ramos, MD, DFM, Family Physician, Mary Johnston Hospital, Manila, Philippines

Lance L. Ravella, AB Phil., MA Phil., Vallejo, California

Rosaria Redaelli, MD, Carate Brianza, Italy

Dr. Peter A. Redpath, Professor of Philosophy at St. John’s University, New York (1979–2010); Aquinas School of Leadership, Management, and Organizational Development, Cave Creek, Arizona

Sr Maria Edith Renfrew (Dr Anne Renfrew, retired Obstetrician/Gynaecologist and General Practitioner), a consecrated diocesan hermit in Arisaig, Scotland

Rev. John Rice, Shaftesbury, UK

Rev. Riccardo Riccioni, Franciscan priest, Morogoro, Tanzania

Jay Richards, PhD, Director, Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family and the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC

Deacon Dan Rindge, MA, Beverly Beach, Florida

Deacon James Rock, St. Theresa and St Mary’s, New Hampshire

Hermes Rodrigues Nery, Professor of Bioethics, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenador Nacional do Movimento Legislação e Vida, Brazil

Rev. David Rodríguez Cuadrado, Madrid, Spain

Rev. Michael E. Rodríguez, STB, Diocese of El Paso, Texas; Spiritual Advisor to The Fatima Center

Deacon John Roisen, Archdiocese of Dubuque, Archangels Catholic Cluster, Forest City, Iowa

Rev. Arthur F. Rojas, JD, Pastor, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Sacred Heart Parish, Port Ewen and Esopus, New York

Rev. Darrell Roman, priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Iryna Romaniv, lawyer, Ukraine

Rev. Ennio Ronchi, Salesian priest, Italy

Brunella Rosano Berardo, sociologist, Cuneo, Italy

Giorgio Rosini, MD, Ravenna, Italy

Rose-Ann Rumpus, MA, marriage, family and youth ministries, Hampshire, UK

Rev. Yasintus Runesi, priest, Formator at St. Raphael Minor Seminary, Archdiocese of Kupang, Indonesia

Tonio Russo, PhD Philosophy, Montecatini Terme, Italy

Dr. Arne Sahlström, MD, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Marbella, Spain

Rev. José Gregorio Salazar Monroy, Parish Church of Coromoto, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela

Raúl Salcedo Dominguez, MD, University Professor, Mexico City, Mexico

Jose A. Sanabria MD, Leesburg, Virginia

Teresa Sarmento Pimentel, MA Ethics and Political Philosophy, PHD Bioethics, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal

Rev. Timothy Sauppé, pastor of St. Mary’s, Westville, and St. Isaac Jogues, Georgetown, Illinois

Mag. theol. Christian Schmaranzer, Gosau, Austria

Paul A. Scott, PhD, FRSA, FRAS, FRHistS, FCIL, CL, Professor of French, University of Kansas

Rev. Adam C. Sedar, MA, MDiv, Pastor of St. Nicholas Parish, Walnutport, Pennsylvania

Bruno de Seguins Pazzis, Honorary Chancellor and Vice-president of the Association Française des Membres de l’Ordre de Malte

Prof. Dr. Phil. Habil. Josef Maria Seifert, Founding Rector of the International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality of Liechtenstein, senior lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilan University of Munich, Germany

Rev. Michael Sellers, BA, parish priest in Teesside, Diocese of Middlesbrough, England

Rev. Aglae Serretti, hermit monk, Eremo Santissima Trinità Collelungo, Pisa, Italy

Robert W. Shaffern, PhD, Professor of History, University of Scranton, Pennsylvania

Timothy Shea, Radio Host, The Reckoning, TNT Radio

David Joseph Sheehan, author, Crowley (Fort Worth), Texas

Ivanna Sheremet, Catholica Universitas Lublinensis Ioannis Pauli II, Lic. Theol. Spir., Montréal, Canada

Liubov Sheremet, Ivano-Frankivsk Medical University, Montréal, Canada

Stefano Silvetti, public official, lawyer in canon law, Rome, Italy

Sean Skedzielewski, MA, JD, scholar of Ancient Greek philosophy, former adjunct professor of philosophy, attorney in the State of New York

Rev. Roman Skrypniuk, priest of the Greek Catholic Ukrainian Church, Eparchy of Kolomia, Ukraine

Janet E. Smith, Former Fr. Michael J. McGiveny Chair of Life Ethics (2000–2019), Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, Michigan

Jeanne Smits, journalist, editor-in-chief of, France

Rev. Grzegorz Sniadoch, Institute of the Good Shepherd, Poland

Mgr Jozef Šoška, Catholic priest, censor of the diocese of Žilina, Slovakia

Joana Sousa Coutinho, retired associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

Carla Roberta Souza Pola, Biologist, Brazil

Dragutin Spajić, engineer of technology, Catholic author, Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Richard A. Spinello, Professor of Management and Philosophy, Boston College and St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts

Dr Zlatko Šram, retired scholar in social sciences, Šibenik, Croatia

Michael Stannard, PhD, Philosophy Instructor, Clovis Community College, Fresno, California

Gerd Steffens, Dip.Theol., Düren, Germany

Dino Stella, MA Religious Sciences, Villorba, Italy

Joey W. Storer, PhD, President, Saginaw Latin Mass Association, Michigan

Thomas Stork, specialist in and author on Catholic Social Teaching, Westerville, Ohio

Father Gabriel Sukharsky, Director of Caritas-Spes in the Diocese of Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine

Eliud Elia Tamakililo, Vice Chairperson of Youth Catholic Worker, Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Trey Tagert, MTS, Adjunct Professor of Banking and Financial Services at Collin College, Lubbock, Texas

Charles G. Tate, JD, retired State District Judge, Ardmore, Oklahoma

Darrick Taylor, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages, Santa Fe College, Gainesville, Florida

Imre Téglásy, PhD, founder and president of Alpha Alliance for Life, Hungary

Rev. Ed Tomlinson, priest, St Anselm Pembury, Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, UK

Deacon James H. Toner, PhD, Stokesdale, NC, Professor Emeritus of Leadership & Ethics, U.S. Air War College

Marco Tosatti, vaticanista and book author, Rome, Italy

Rev. Marino Tozzi, S. Reparata in Terra del Sole Parish Church, Forlì-Cesena, Italy

Dr. Will Turek, DO, Family Doctor, Columbus, Ohio

Edward Shirley Turner III, MA, International Academy of Philosophy, Lunenburg, Massachusetts

Michael Arthur Vacca, MTheol, JD, Director of Ministry, Bioethics, and Membership Experience, Catholic Bioethicist, Christ Medicus Foundation

José María Valderas Gallardo, PhD Philosophy, biologist, Barcelona, Spain

Pedro Vázquez, retired professor of physics, Carlos III University, the Engineers School, Leganés, Madrid, Spain

Vik van Brantegem, Editor,, Macerata Campania, Italy

Adrie van der Hoeven, MSc, biophysicist, the Netherlands

Deacon Richard J. Vehige, Archdiocese of Saint Louis, past President of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri

Lee J. Verallo, writer, Cebu City, Philippines

Rev. Francisco Miguel Vidal Martín-Toledano, Orihuela-Alicante, Spain

Rev. Carlos Miguel Viego, PhD, Chaplain, Thomas Aquinas College, Northfield, Massachusetts

Rev. Ronald M. Vierling, Fairview Village, Pennsylvania

Rev. Leonard F. Villa, Pastor, St Paul the Apostle Church, Yonkers, New York

Dr. Andre Villeneuve, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages, Florida

Dr. Mauro Visigalli, Rotal Lawyer, Canon Law Services, Las Vegas

Dean C. Waldt, JD, MDiv, Venice, Florida

John Bernard Walsh, former Cabinet Secretary for Community Affairs and Director of Communications for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston

Dr. Christine M. Ward, Co-founder of the Theology of the Body Network UK; Lecturer (Sexual Ethics, Christian Anthropology), Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, UK

Bernadette Waterman Ward, Professor, English, University of Dallas

Jonathan Scott Weinberg, author, Overland Park, Kansas

Dr. Marcel Andrew Widzisz, retired professor of Classics and Catholic teacher, Lynchburg, Virginia

Yves Willemaers, historian, editor of the blog “belgicatho,” Verviers, Belgium

Dr. med. Christian Winkler, Rainbach im Mühlkreis, Austria

Rev. Dr. Artur Wójtowicz, PhD (Philosophy), Sydney, Australia

Piotr Wołochowicz, PhD Pastoral Theology, Director of the Family Life Mission Poland Ministry, Warsaw, Poland

Mr. Andres Wong, 40 Days For Life South Bay Leader, San Diego, California

Dr David Woods, Senior Lecturer, Department of Classics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Evan Wormsbecher, MA Theology, Texas

Paul T. Yarbrough, Esq., Evergreen, Colorado

Vicki Yamasaki, Founder and Chair, Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace, Carmel, Indiana

Iryna Yermak (Sr. Maria Beata Michaela), master of formation of the St. Hyacinth Fraternity, Kyiv, Ukraine

Valentyna Volodymyrivna Zilinska, economist, Ukraine

Gerard Zuniga, retired theology teacher; President, Advocates for the Holy Family, Lexington, Kentucky

Dr Jacek Zurek, historian, Warsaw, Poland


Publicado en Italiano el 1 de marzo de 2024, en

Traducción al español por: José Arturo Quarracino


Ayuda a Stilum Curiae

IBAN: IT79N0200805319000400690898






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Revocare Fiducia Supplicans. Ecco la Lista Completa e Definitiva dei Firmatari.

Revocare Fiducia Supplicans. Ecco la Lista Completa e Definitiva dei Fir…

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1 commento

  • Maria Giovanna Morselli ha detto:

    Leggo che Bergoglio si è pronunciato contro l’ideologia gender e il pericolo ad essa sotteso, ovvero l’estinzione dell’umanità. Si tratta della stessa persona che ha firmato “Fiducia Supplicans”, un documento che benedice il peccato, ovvero le coppie dello stesso sesso (sì, perché c’è scritto “coppie”, inutile fare funambolismi verbali). E della stessa persona che ha indetto il “Sinodo sulla sinodalità” violando il concetto stesso di Sinodo e chiamando a raduno bestemmiatori, consacrati che hanno ribaltato il Vangelo, gente che sta facendo di tutto per distruggere il Cristianesimo. Infine, della stessa persona che sta tenendo al loro posto uno che ha scritto un libro porno-blasfemo, un altro che spalleggia apertamente l’ideologia lgbt.
    Poi potremmo dire tanto altro, ma rimanendo all’argomento, non si può che fare i complimenti a un abile prestigiatore. In psicologia si parla di disturbo dissociativo della personalità, ma noi molto banalmente, da cattoliche che soffrono per tutti i calpestamenti della Parola di Cristo messi in atto durante il suo mandato, la definiamo scaltrezza: da un lato si afferma, dall’altro si nega, in modo tale che il fedele digerisca certe rivoluzioni.
    Che le mie osservazioni abbiano o non abbiano spazio è un puro dettaglio: basti sapere che c’è un “piccolo resto” raziocinante che vive e vivrà la Buona Novella senza spostare una virgola, costi quel che costi. Un Dio non si contraddice, altrimenti non sarebbe Dio. Invito a studiare San Tommaso d’Aquino, il grande sfrattato dai seminari: e i risultati si vedono.