The Pope Is Going to Resign and Live at Saint John Lateran? Well…I’ll Believe It When I See It.
7 Giugno 2022
Marco Tosatti
Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, chatting with a group of cardinals during a coffee break at a meeting for the presentation of Apostolic Constitution, the reigning Pontiff let slip that in the immediate future there would be new names at the top of the Congregations; and indeed several dicastery heads have for some time now passed the limit of turning 75. But then rumors began to spread about the possibility of Pope Bergoglio’s resignation, even among the people who are closest to him; and there are even those who have already identified that his residence after this sensational gesture will be Saint John Lateran (after all, he’s the Bishop of Rome, right?). Naturally, the fuel for all these fires (which are made of straw, in my opinion) is the physical condition of the pontiff; in actuality he can barely stand up now without help, and he does not want to undergo an operation out of fear of the consequences of undergoing total anasthesia, which in people of advanced age can be quite serious in terms of the brain. It seems opportune to me, after these reflections, to share with you a thought from Luis Badilla of Il Sismografo. Will he resign? While another pope is still living? Perhaps. But I take the approach of Saint Thomas the Apostle: I will believe it when I see it with my own eyes.
The promulgation of “Praedicate Evangelium” on Sunday [June 5], the wait for the appointments of high levels of leadership in the new organization chart of the Roman Curia, and the health condition of the Holy Father recently have all become ideal ingredients for the media to serve up the tantalizing dish of the Pope’s imminent resignation. In order to make this supposed news even more plausible, they even brought it out on the very day on which in 2009 Benedict XVI left his pallium on the shrine that houses the body of the Pope of the “great refusal,” Celestine V.
All very interesting, but there is not much there in terms of substance. It does not appear that, at present, there a single reason to think about the resignation of Pope Francis; a resignation that obviously cannot be discarded in theory, particularly for reasons of health, but right at this moment it is completely non-existent as a possibility. “Being forced to use a wheelchair is not enough to anticipate a resignation by the Pope,” several authoritative sources have told us.
Furthermore, Pope Bergoglio himself has never even remotely had the idea of resigning, and he would certainly do so only in the case of a severe debilitating illness. He himself said to the Argentine journalist Nelson Castro that he foresees that he will die in the Vatican as Pope. It is “too imaginative, almost funny,” to think that the Pope would call all of his cardinals to the Vatican (and there would be about 200 present) for a Consistory of great significance, but that then – while the cardinals are exchanging opinions in the Vatican – he would go to L’Aquila to announce his resignation.
The resignation of all the popes has always been, and in particular in the last few centuries, a nebulous, itinerant, undulating matter. But these hypotheses never came true.
The one time it actually happened in recent centuries – the resignation of Joseph Ratzinger – nobody ever imagined or anticipated it, ever.
The only whisper or hint of an alarm in the case of Benedict XVI was raised because of the delay with which the Apostolic Camera dealt with the question of the printing of the first pages and cover of the new Annuario Pontificio in 2013, bearing the papal coat of arms, but these doubts were all very fragile.
(Luis Badilla)
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Marco Tosatti
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Seems like a rumor or a publicity stunt to divide the Remnant Faithful. I’m not a seer or an analyst, but I would guess that Pope Francis would not resign because he embraces evil, and only good people are squeezed into a corner and forced to resign.
May the God of wisdom, truth and justice truly bless you today, now and always! Our Lady of the Roses, Mary help of Mothers, pray for us. Amen.
On May 14, 2022
Our Lady spoke to Christina;
My daughter, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is the beginning of the third world war which will eventually involve Russia, China and America and many other countries throughout the world. At first it will not be nuclear but will become nuclear and Russia will spread her errors throughout the world as I foretold at Fatima. If only the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart had been made as I had requested but there were even those groomed to infiltrate My Son’s Church and create resistance to such things.
The illnesses foretold to you in this Mission have already begun. What you have seen of the man-made virus spreading throughout your world is only the first of a multitude of others still to come. They will be too numerous and rapidly-spreading to investigate or find remedies. Yet there was a man in authority who united with others to do everything possible to destroy this Mission and lead people into blindness and deafness regarding its importance but when he will be called to account before the justice of the Lord, he will have much to endure.
What is coming to the world is a lot more suffering, illness, hunger and a take-over of your very person and eventually, when all this occurs, the Hand of My Son will come over the world with horrendous fire falling from the heavens taking place. Many will die throughout the world. I had told you, My daughter, how the birds of the air and wild animals would feed on the bodies lying upon the earth and how the stench of human flesh would carry for miles upon the wind. Now it is taking place in Ukraine but what you see happening in Ukraine will also occur in other places as diseases and disasters spread and the earth is forever disfigured and unrecognisable. Only when all this takes place will the illumination of conscience happen and eventually the return of My Divine Son.
My Son is being denied His place in His Church. He is cast out. Antichrist is already influencing what is to be done and making ready to take the seat of Peter. Among those within, with the authority leading to the very top, the corruption is indescribable. I told you all those things, My little daughter, many years ago but to no avail. People were listening at first but then they began to be influenced by an authority which only wanted to destroy this Work and Mission and yes, they accomplished their plan abundantly!
You have suffered so much, it even grieves My Heart. I was not meant to speak any further messages but My Heart aches for the suffering I have seen you endure – all at the hands of the evil in human nature. My little one, in what you have endured – for those who helped you, and all who took part in attending to your needs I, your Mother and Mother of Jesus, I have gone to the Heart of My Son which is forever open and I have drawn upon every such person the graces and the pardons for their many wrongs. I will plead for their mercy always but as for those who found excuses to refuse to help you in this illness so as to leave you in the world to help guide it, I will take from them all that God gave in His great mercy and gift and they will have nothing. No-one realises or accepts the reality of what God has called you to. You are not important for your own sake but only because you were chosen to convey God’s message. Your endurance was never meant to be in this way. You were meant to endure – yes, suffering but not of this magnitude but God will multiply it many times for souls and one day, in Heaven, you and those who helped this Mission and especially helped you in the different ways that you needed, will be glorified by My Son Jesus. Those who took from you or would not respond to help you, they will have much to lament. Do not be afraid of what you see taking place through the many illnesses that will be brought upon the world – one by one, two by two, multiplying all the time to take life, in union with the third world war and all the unrest and hatred in the hearts of men. Mankind has turned in such surrender to the evil one. How horrendous to the Heart of My Son is the depravity of those who kill their little children in the womb through abortion. They will have much to lament.
My child, it is on account of the grievance of My Immaculate Heart for the enormity of your endurance that My Son Jesus, who communicates with you now, on this one occasion grants Me to intervene especially owing to those who want to take from the reality of your endurance and, by doing so, draw other hearts to react and respond like their own hearts – cold and empty. They, too, will endure their just reward.
Now My dear child, I bless you in abundance and I receive all- every endurance and suffering that you have undergone. I receive everything from the person with a closed heart to the person who has an open heart and responds and My Son’s Heart, which is always open, will receive all. You have been left in a desolation of darkness, only that so much more can be drawn from you on account of your having already endured so much but I promise you, My daughter, you will be welcomed with such joy in your Heavenly home when that time comes but I tell you accept and offer everything – those who hurt you, those who deny you, those who show you no love or lack of compassion -just offer without asking why – offer it for the many souls who are now dying in Ukraine but the Americas will have much to suffer as will many other parts of the world. The preparation for war with America has begun. It is only a short time away. Many leaders in the world have a hatred for America and they are already engaged in planning what they will do to her.
I have interceded with My Divine Son regarding the House of Prayer in Texas. It is causing such pain to My Heart that there was not even one genuine, openhearted person willing to come there to save themselves and others from all the horror that is about to befall the world. It saddens My Heart because the protection I had obtained from God through such Houses is more needed for America than elsewhere. It grieves My Heart because many will be lost. My child, do not worry about those things. It is not your fault and around you there are many angels who will continue to be around you but the darkened spirits from hell surround you too because they want to destroy you so that you will not have the courage or strength to endure and continue. I am giving you the grace and help necessary and I am sending to you the hearts of My children – those that are opened to the graces I give, to help and respond in the light of the Spirit of God but those who won’t receive the light and Spirit of God in their closed hearts – when they come before God they will lament and even before they come before God they will lament.
So, My dear child, I wrap you in My Mantle, I keep the holy angels around you. Fear not because I am with you: My gaze is always upon you and the houses you ever enter or the people upon whom you will ever invoke a blessing will be forever blessed through My Motherly Heart and through the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus. I bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.