The Pandemic Has Created Dishumanity and Lies. They Use Them to Narrate the War.

16 Marzo 2022 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, the two successive crises – the psycho-Pandemic and the very real, unfortunately, war in Ukraine, have highlighted some elements of our social life that have needed moments of crisis to manifest themselves.

We quote some examples from an article that appeared on the Silvana De Mari Community (but there would be many other examples, and we have published them in various Bestiaries …)

These are some of the comments about those who refuse the inoculation of gene serums in the experimental phase, with serious and even deadly side effects. The hatred arises from the erroneous hypothesis, but spread by the major Italian political authorities, even by the medium and small ones, by almost all the journalists, and by the totality of the virologists of the regime before regurgitating it, that only with the inoculation of the entire population will it be possible to get out of an emergency situation sensationally and artfully created. I would like to draw attention to the level of anger and hatred elicited by the fear of being infected, or otherwise damaged by the “irresponsibility” of others.

  • Extermination camps for those who do not get vaccinated.

Giuseppe Gigantino.  Cardiologist

  • I would enjoy watching them die like flies.

Andrea Scansi. Journalist

  • If it were up to me I would also build two gas chambers.

Marianna Rubino. Doctor

  • Dogs can always enter. Only you, as is right, will remain outside.

Sebastiano Messina. Journalist

  • Separate wagons for the unvaccinated.

Mauro Felicori. Assessor. The only one with a proposal that, once accepted the false theory that unvaccinated people are a danger, allows them to travel

  • We exclude those who are not vaccinated from civilian life.

Stefano Feltri. Journalist

  • Un-Vaxxed kept outside public places

Eugenio Giani. President of the Tuscany Region

  • It might be helpful for those who choose not to get vaccinated to go around with a sign around their neck.

Angelo Giovannini. Mayor of Bomporto

  • We are waiting for the Un-Vaxxed to die out on their own.

Paolo Guzzanti. Journalist

  • They will be placed under house arrest, locked in their house, like rats.

Roberto Burioni.  Virologist

  • Don’t call them Un-Vaxxed, call them by their name: delinquents.

Alessia Morani. Deputy PD

  • I would like a virus that eats your organs in ten minutes reducing you to a greenish mush that is in a glass to see how many inflexible Un-Vaxxed remain in the world.

Selvaggia Lucarelli. Journalist

I formally ask the government to make special laws against the un-vaxxed like those that were made at the time to overthrow the Red Brigades.”

Roberto Dipiazza, Mayor di Trieste.


This kind of comment, this spite, this verbal violence in past years, not even so long ago, would have been unthinkable; and those who had practiced it would have been – rightly – taken up and criticized. It is not to be hoped that in light of what is emerging now, with the documents “secreted” by Pfizer on deaths and adverse effects of the experimental gene serum, and on everything else (effects on DNA, natural immunity, etc.), including ineffectiveness in defending against infection and contagion, some of these people will realize that those who have chosen differently from them,  not by breaking a law, but by following the Constitution, it is not to be hoped that they will apologize. No, on the contrary; they have simply transferred their load of hatred and verbal violence to those who, while condemning the invasion of Ukraine, seek to understand the reasons for the crisis, and the responsibilities of all actors; the most obvious ones, and the less obvious ones, the hidden hands that have worked in recent years to bring us to the critical point. No: either you march together shouting weapons at Ukraine or you are a friend and fan of Putin. A few days ago a comment appeared on an analysis by Agostino Nobile on the picture of the crisis, made by Carlo Amedeo Giovanardi, an old political llama. We quote only this passage: “And even today in Italy there are those who praise Tito, deny the foibe [mass killings], and give reason to Putin: they are mainly the no-vax conspiracy theorists and communist refoundation. But here the vaccine has nothing to do with it or even the ramshackle analyses of other post-war military interventions that Nobili mentions. Here, unfortunately, we are at the level of those who deny the Holocaust of the Jewish people and, if they have to admit it with gritted teeth, they still explain that they have sought it.”

Giovanardi is not alone. Needless to say, Holocaust deniers are well represented in poor Ukraine, with a good dozen acronyms, some of them openly neo-Nazi. A few days ago a friend said: but why are the anti vax the most perplexed about the Ukrainian invasion?

The answer is simple: because in two years of shameless lies (“Whoever is not vaccinated dies,” “The vaccine is an act of love” et similia) of “scientific” truths propagated 24 hours a day on TV and in the newspapers by supposed specialists more less colluding with serum manufacturers, and denied without a blush three days later with some new scientific “truth,”  those who have matured a reserve attitude towards the truths spread by the propaganda machine on Covid also exercise it towards this new crisis. And they are reluctant to drink the fable of the good and the bad. This does not mean justifying anything, much less war, a horrendous exercise of politics; but it means trying to understand.

And to see how this new crisis is taken advantage of to carry on with us a process of constant limitation of freedoms. In no country – no one, not even in the most dictatorial ones – has been deprived of those who do not want to undergo a pharmacological experiment that is certainly risky, and most likely useless, of work, of the use of public transport, of the possibility of entering shops or leading a social life. This executive authority of evildoers, led by an Emissary of Other Powers, and that no citizen has ever voted for, has done so. Exalted by the mass media reduced to a mere propaganda tool, they are happily leading the country to disaster, proving that their alleged competence is insignificant. On the other hand … read below: 

“In no country in the world is there a state of emergency. Not even in the states bordering Ukraine. Only in Italy. It is extended until December 31. With the support of the whole Parliament and of the one who should be the guarantor of the Constitution and democracy in this country. Everywhere hatred spreads and threats rain down on those who disagree. And now, if peace were to be achieved, how do you justify a state of emergency until December 31st? How can Parliament and the man who is supposed to guarantee the Constitution and democracy justify this? We are the only country in the world where fifty- and sixty-year-olds who are not vaccinated are without salary. And no one says anything. And no one does anything. We are plunging into the full-blown dictatorship, based on lies and hatred. With the complicity of all.” (Massimo Viglione).

Do we exaggerate? Below you will find some excerpts from a small anthology collected patiently by 

«Let’s feed the tension I recommend … but crazy stuff” (Fabio Dragoni @fdragoni – Twitter, 27 February 2022).


“To my knowledge, this is the first time that governments intentionally globalize an armed conflict, and deliberately spread hysteria among their populations. So it is clearly not about Ukraine  (Fernand Keuleneer @FKeuleneer – Twitter, 27 Febbraio 2022).

From the state of “health” madness we have entered without interruption of solution in a hysterical “war” crisis.


As the first had nothing to do with health, the second has nothing to do with war and peace.

It is always an ideological question, which is not able to see reality and does not allow reason.

It does not allow us to see that we are commanded by omnipotent children with the atomic button in their hands.

It is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, but of madness that is fought with hysteria.”


It is difficult not to agree with what Mario Adinolfi, national president of the People of the Family (PdF), said: “First with yesterday’s Council of Ministers and with Mario Draghi’s speech in the Senate today, then with the resolution voted by the European Parliament, Italy and the European Union have essentially declared war on Russia by siding with sanctions, men and means. This bellicose choice is crazy and unconstitutional: ‘Italy repudiates war as a means of resolving international disputes’, our Charter states in Article 11. Once again, the Constitution is being violated, causing an increase in the level of violence and making the path of peace less and less viable. Then it’s Putin who’s crazy… I’m not there anymore, you are the crazy ones. Let’s protect Ukrainian civilians from the fools who are sending them to face the Russian tanks arming them with Molotov cocktails and rifles, stop the useless massacre. We cite as People of the Family the famous phrase of Benedict XV not by chance.”


And again from’s anthology: 

«The countries that send arms to Ukraine do not contribute to good and peace. Politicians on the one hand talk about peace, and on the other push governments to ship weapons, it is a sad spectacle of unparalleled hypocrisy. As the Bible says: “They speak of peace but in their hearts they have war” (Don Salvatore Lazzara).


«If NATO provides more weapons and air defenses to Ukraine, doesn’t that mean that all NATO members are now at war with Russia? is that what we want?” (Fernand Keuleneer).


“Throughout the Cold War, it was a top priority to avoid a direct military confrontation with the adversary because of the risk of nuclear war. Rightly. This is now being done in an unimaginably frivolous way and stepped over in an unimaginably frivolous way  (Fernand Keuleneer).


“The average Italian has not stopped being a proud hater of the un-vaxxed who has already found his next enemy, served on a silver platter by the media: the Russian” (Cit.).


Such a panorama can only arouse discouragement; almost as much as seeing people with muzzles walking around the street, alone, even now. Victims of an unlimited fear, consciously inculcated by some (Ricciardi, Speranza, the Banda del Siero immediately come to mind) kept alive for interest (it will be sad for hospitals to give up the special money of Covid) and for stable orders from newspapers and televisions. Which unfortunately are the main protagonists – and responsible – in an active way and in omissions of hysteria about the pandemic before, and about the war now. The country turned out to be what it was, and it was not a happy discovery.  


And the unique information, experienced and fine-tuned with the psycho-Pandemic, is now used for war. Where, instead of trying to exercise  a strong diplomatic action – as the European Union, in collaboration with others, – to stop the shooting, we send weapons … But read what Travaglio writes in Il Fatto Quotidiano:


… We had always thought, naively, that the correspondents served to tell us what is done and said in foreign countries and governments

… Volodymyr Zelensky: “Use atomic terror by bombing the nuclear reactors of the Zaporizzya plant for hours

… now on fire: it could have been 10 times worse than Chernobyl, the end of Europe”

… Rai from Moscow, Marc Innaro: “Here from Moscow they repeat that the level of radioactivity is normal

… The Ministry of Defense denies Zelensky and claims that for five days the plant has been under the control of special troops

… a group of Ukrainian saboteurs attacked the training center next to the plant but was repelled.”

… Il Foglio, Claudio Cerasa: “Your Innaro tends to seriously minimize

… The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine called it a war crime

… NATO used very very very heavy words about the attack

… fake news, lies, falsehoods; and the whole West together tries to unmask them”

… the Russian version should not even be quoted because it is always false

… those of Ukraine and the West should always be married without quotation marks as dogmas

… viewers got the idea that the Russians are trying to unleash the encore of Chernobyl

… at the gates of your own home

… Then unfortunately the AMERICAN Undersecretary for Energy Jill Hruby said:

… “We have not seen any evidence that Russia attacked the plant”

… the Pentagon and the IAEA: “No leakage of radioactive material”

  • §§

They lie, lie and continue to lie; and unfortunately, people who watch TV, and who do not have the desire or the tools to look for alternative sources are prey to these diabolical manipulators. We close this sad article with a reflection by Valentina Villani, taken from her Facebook profile:

“I would like everyone to stop. That they would stop for a moment to reflect, rather than to speak, about what is happening. I read opinions everywhere, requests and not, but in both cases they remain exclusive reproductions of stereotyped words, phrases taken a little here and a little there. I have been observing for a long time now a total lack of sensitivity, which manifests itself in the normal daily course. The pandemic has cleared the way for the most dangerous form of inhumanity and now the Ukrainian conflict has allowed the individual to concretely manifest how much cruelty he is capable of. I am not referring to the various Heads of State. Personally, I do not divide the world into good and bad, but into intelligent and objective, versus ignorant and biased” (Valentina Villano).


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, the two successive crises – the psycho-Pandemic and the very real, unfortunately, war in Ukraine, have highlighted some elements of our social life that have needed moments of crisis to manifest themselves.

We quote some examples from an article that appeared on the Silvana De Mari Community (but there would be many other examples, and we have published them in various Bestiaries …)

These are some of the comments about those who refuse the inoculation of gene serums in the experimental phase, with serious and even deadly side effects. The hatred arises from the erroneous hypothesis, but spread by the major Italian political authorities, even by the medium and small ones, by almost all the journalists, and by the totality of the virologists of the regime before regurgitating it, that only with the inoculation of the entire population will it be possible to get out of an emergency situation sensationally and artfully created. I would like to draw attention to the level of anger and hatred elicited by the fear of being infected, or otherwise damaged by the “irresponsibility” of others.

  • Extermination camps for those who do not get vaccinated.

Giuseppe Gigantino.  Cardiologist

  • I would enjoy watching them die like flies.

Andrea Scansi. Journalist

  • If it were up to me I would also build two gas chambers.

Marianna Rubino. Doctor

  • Dogs can always enter. Only you, as is right, will remain outside.

Sebastiano Messina. Journalist

  • Separate wagons for the unvaccinated.

Mauro Felicori. Assessor. The only one with a proposal that, once accepted the false theory that unvaccinated people are a danger, allows them to travel

  • We exclude those who are not vaccinated from civilian life.

Stefano Feltri. Journalist

  • Un-Vaxxed kept outside public places

Eugenio Giani. President of the Tuscany Region

  • It might be helpful for those who choose not to get vaccinated to go around with a sign around their neck.

Angelo Giovannini. Mayor of Bomporto

  • We are waiting for the Un-Vaxxed to die out on their own.

Paolo Guzzanti. Journalist

  • They will be placed under house arrest, locked in their house, like rats.

Roberto Burioni.  Virologist

  • Don’t call them Un-Vaxxed, call them by their name: delinquents.

Alessia Morani. Deputy PD

  • I would like a virus that eats your organs in ten minutes reducing you to a greenish mush that is in a glass to see how many inflexible Un-Vaxxed remain in the world.

Selvaggia Lucarelli. Journalist

I formally ask the government to make special laws against the un-vaxxed like those that were made at the time to overthrow the Red Brigades.”

Roberto Dipiazza, Mayor di Trieste.


This kind of comment, this spite, this verbal violence in past years, not even so long ago, would have been unthinkable; and those who had practiced it would have been – rightly – taken up and criticized. It is not to be hoped that in light of what is emerging now, with the documents “secreted” by Pfizer on deaths and adverse effects of the experimental gene serum, and on everything else (effects on DNA, natural immunity, etc.), including ineffectiveness in defending against infection and contagion, some of these people will realize that those who have chosen differently from them,  not by breaking a law, but by following the Constitution, it is not to be hoped that they will apologize. No, on the contrary; they have simply transferred their load of hatred and verbal violence to those who, while condemning the invasion of Ukraine, seek to understand the reasons for the crisis, and the responsibilities of all actors; the most obvious ones, and the less obvious ones, the hidden hands that have worked in recent years to bring us to the critical point. No: either you march together shouting weapons at Ukraine or you are a friend and fan of Putin. A few days ago a comment appeared on an analysis by Agostino Nobile on the picture of the crisis, made by Carlo Amedeo Giovanardi, an old political llama. We quote only this passage: “And even today in Italy there are those who praise Tito, deny the foibe [mass killings], and give reason to Putin: they are mainly the no-vax conspiracy theorists and communist refoundation. But here the vaccine has nothing to do with it or even the ramshackle analyses of other post-war military interventions that Nobili mentions. Here, unfortunately, we are at the level of those who deny the Holocaust of the Jewish people and, if they have to admit it with gritted teeth, they still explain that they have sought it.”

Giovanardi is not alone. Needless to say, Holocaust deniers are well represented in poor Ukraine, with a good dozen acronyms, some of them openly neo-Nazi. A few days ago a friend said: but why are the anti vax the most perplexed about the Ukrainian invasion?

The answer is simple: because in two years of shameless lies (“Whoever is not vaccinated dies,” “The vaccine is an act of love” et similia) of “scientific” truths propagated 24 hours a day on TV and in the newspapers by supposed specialists more less colluding with serum manufacturers, and denied without a blush three days later with some new scientific “truth,”  those who have matured a reserve attitude towards the truths spread by the propaganda machine on Covid also exercise it towards this new crisis. And they are reluctant to drink the fable of the good and the bad. This does not mean justifying anything, much less war, a horrendous exercise of politics; but it means trying to understand.

And to see how this new crisis is taken advantage of to carry on with us a process of constant limitation of freedoms. In no country – no one, not even in the most dictatorial ones – has been deprived of those who do not want to undergo a pharmacological experiment that is certainly risky, and most likely useless, of work, of the use of public transport, of the possibility of entering shops or leading a social life. This executive authority of evildoers, led by an Emissary of Other Powers, and that no citizen has ever voted for, has done so. Exalted by the mass media reduced to a mere propaganda tool, they are happily leading the country to disaster, proving that their alleged competence is insignificant. On the other hand … read below: 

“In no country in the world is there a state of emergency. Not even in the states bordering Ukraine. Only in Italy. It is extended until December 31. With the support of the whole Parliament and of the one who should be the guarantor of the Constitution and democracy in this country. Everywhere hatred spreads and threats rain down on those who disagree. And now, if peace were to be achieved, how do you justify a state of emergency until December 31st? How can Parliament and the man who is supposed to guarantee the Constitution and democracy justify this? We are the only country in the world where fifty- and sixty-year-olds who are not vaccinated are without salary. And no one says anything. And no one does anything. We are plunging into the full-blown dictatorship, based on lies and hatred. With the complicity of all.” (Massimo Viglione).

Do we exaggerate? Below you will find some excerpts from a small anthology collected patiently by 

«Let’s feed the tension I recommend … but crazy stuff” (Fabio Dragoni @fdragoni – Twitter, 27 February 2022).


“To my knowledge, this is the first time that governments intentionally globalize an armed conflict, and deliberately spread hysteria among their populations. So it is clearly not about Ukraine  (Fernand Keuleneer @FKeuleneer – Twitter, 27 Febbraio 2022).

From the state of “health” madness we have entered without interruption of solution in a hysterical “war” crisis.


As the first had nothing to do with health, the second has nothing to do with war and peace.

It is always an ideological question, which is not able to see reality and does not allow reason.

It does not allow us to see that we are commanded by omnipotent children with the atomic button in their hands.

It is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, but of madness that is fought with hysteria.”


It is difficult not to agree with what Mario Adinolfi, national president of the People of the Family (PdF), said: “First with yesterday’s Council of Ministers and with Mario Draghi’s speech in the Senate today, then with the resolution voted by the European Parliament, Italy and the European Union have essentially declared war on Russia by siding with sanctions, men and means. This bellicose choice is crazy and unconstitutional: ‘Italy repudiates war as a means of resolving international disputes’, our Charter states in Article 11. Once again, the Constitution is being violated, causing an increase in the level of violence and making the path of peace less and less viable. Then it’s Putin who’s crazy… I’m not there anymore, you are the crazy ones. Let’s protect Ukrainian civilians from the fools who are sending them to face the Russian tanks arming them with Molotov cocktails and rifles, stop the useless massacre. We cite as People of the Family the famous phrase of Benedict XV not by chance.”


And again from’s anthology: 

«The countries that send arms to Ukraine do not contribute to good and peace. Politicians on the one hand talk about peace, and on the other push governments to ship weapons, it is a sad spectacle of unparalleled hypocrisy. As the Bible says: “They speak of peace but in their hearts they have war” (Don Salvatore Lazzara).


«If NATO provides more weapons and air defenses to Ukraine, doesn’t that mean that all NATO members are now at war with Russia? is that what we want?” (Fernand Keuleneer).


“Throughout the Cold War, it was a top priority to avoid a direct military confrontation with the adversary because of the risk of nuclear war. Rightly. This is now being done in an unimaginably frivolous way and stepped over in an unimaginably frivolous way  (Fernand Keuleneer).


“The average Italian has not stopped being a proud hater of the un-vaxxed who has already found his next enemy, served on a silver platter by the media: the Russian” (Cit.).


Such a panorama can only arouse discouragement; almost as much as seeing people with muzzles walking around the street, alone, even now. Victims of an unlimited fear, consciously inculcated by some (Ricciardi, Speranza, the Banda del Siero immediately come to mind) kept alive for interest (it will be sad for hospitals to give up the special money of Covid) and for stable orders from newspapers and televisions. Which unfortunately are the main protagonists – and responsible – in an active way and in omissions of hysteria about the pandemic before, and about the war now. The country turned out to be what it was, and it was not a happy discovery.  


And the unique information, experienced and fine-tuned with the psycho-Pandemic, is now used for war. Where, instead of trying to exercise  a strong diplomatic action – as the European Union, in collaboration with others, – to stop the shooting, we send weapons … But read what Travaglio writes in Il Fatto Quotidiano:


… We had always thought, naively, that the correspondents served to tell us what is done and said in foreign countries and governments

… Volodymyr Zelensky: “Use atomic terror by bombing the nuclear reactors of the Zaporizzya plant for hours

… now on fire: it could have been 10 times worse than Chernobyl, the end of Europe”

… Rai from Moscow, Marc Innaro: “Here from Moscow they repeat that the level of radioactivity is normal

… The Ministry of Defense denies Zelensky and claims that for five days the plant has been under the control of special troops

… a group of Ukrainian saboteurs attacked the training center next to the plant but was repelled.”

… Il Foglio, Claudio Cerasa: “Your Innaro tends to seriously minimize

… The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine called it a war crime

… NATO used very very very heavy words about the attack

… fake news, lies, falsehoods; and the whole West together tries to unmask them”

… the Russian version should not even be quoted because it is always false

… those of Ukraine and the West should always be married without quotation marks as dogmas

… viewers got the idea that the Russians are trying to unleash the encore of Chernobyl

… at the gates of your own home

… Then unfortunately the AMERICAN Undersecretary for Energy Jill Hruby said:

… “We have not seen any evidence that Russia attacked the plant”

… the Pentagon and the IAEA: “No leakage of radioactive material”


They lie, lie and continue to lie; and unfortunately, people who watch TV, and who do not have the desire or the tools to look for alternative sources are prey to these diabolical manipulators. We close this sad article with a reflection by Valentina Villani, taken from her Facebook profile:

“I would like everyone to stop. That they would stop for a moment to reflect, rather than to speak, about what is happening. I read opinions everywhere, requests and not, but in both cases they remain exclusive reproductions of stereotyped words, phrases taken a little here and a little there. I have been observing for a long time now a total lack of sensitivity, which manifests itself in the normal daily course. The pandemic has cleared the way for the most dangerous form of inhumanity and now the Ukrainian conflict has allowed the individual to concretely manifest how much cruelty he is capable of. I am not referring to the various Heads of State. Personally, I do not divide the world into good and bad, but into intelligent and objective, versus ignorant and biased” (Valentina Villano).









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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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1 commento

  • Slave of JMJ ha detto:

    March 15, 2022 message:

    “Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Children, begin each day determined to become more holy than the day before. Change the pattern of living you have become accustomed to, if need be. Behave as though there are few chances left for you to prove your love for Me. Do not fall into the pattern of waiting until tomorrow to change your way of life.”

    “I speak to reconcile the heart of the world with obedience to My Commandments.* This is your path to eternal salvation. Do not try to reinvent a different way or to prove Me wrong. I am telling you the way to please Me and the way to choose eternal life.”

    Read 1 John 3:21-22+

    Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.

    + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

    * To LISTEN or READ the nuances & depth of the Ten Commandments given by God the Father from June 24 – July 3, 2021, please click here: