Request for Humanitarian Intervention for Italy. For the Violations Committed by the Government.

4 Gennaio 2022 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, it seems appropriate to bring to your attention this initiative, particularly necessary in the times we are living in this unfortunate country. Good reading and sharing.





Italy, 02 January 2022

Umanità e Ragione


For the last two years, the Italian government has adopted a series of emergency regulatory measures that directly contrast the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as with the Italian Constitution. First and foremost, they directly or indirectly oblige millions of Italian citizens and foreigners residing in Italy to consent to a vaccination for which complete clinical data on safety and efficacy are not available. Furthermore, the decision to undergo this procedure cannot be considered “informed” in any way since clinical staff do not have access to complete clinical data regarding its safety and efficacy. These acts have been enacted by the President of the Republic and ratified by Parliament, with the acquiescence of a part of the judiciary and full support of the media.

The Italian government, in agreement with the aforementioned institutions, is also implementing a policy of persecution and segregation of citizens and resident foreigners who cannot or do not want to undergo the first or subsequent doses of the so-called anti-Covid vaccine, including adults and minors who have already overcome the disease, who are at risk of adverse reactions and who have already experienced serious adverse reactions to the first dose. Millions of citizens have, in fact, been forbidden the right to work and therefore to be paid, the right to receive a school or university education, the right to use public transport and sports facilities, the right to participate in community activities, the right to enter hotels, restaurants and bars and places of cultural interest, the right to undertake national and international travel and the right to access health care or assistance services. In short, they are denied participation in all forms of societal activity.

As a result of being denied access to public transport services, non-vaccinated citizens of the smaller islands will not be able to reach essential services and hospitals which are frequently located outside the island’s territory.

The Italian citizens are also excluded from looking after hospitalized family members in health care facilities or care homes, even those who are in a terminal state.

The aforementioned measures, in addition to the freezing of wages and the denial of any form of economic and food subsidy, are condemning millions of citizens: families, children and young people to hunger, disease and social segregation. This number will increase alarmingly with the announced extension of these persecutory and discriminating measures to all categories of worker.

The dramatic violation of human rights currently taking place in Italy and increasingly widespread implementation of radical forms of social segregation, by virtue of the illegal exercise of government powers by the state apparatus, are forcing millions of Italian citizens to appeal to the international community’s most competent ratione materiae, as well as the more sensitive states, to intervene urgently in order to immediately restore conditions of legality and democracy. Ensuring that the Italian government recognize and respect fundamental human rights and freedoms, as obliged by the international treaties they have agreed to uphold, will almost certainly preclude the avalanche which threatens to overwhelm the democracy of other countries, as has already been witnessed in the recent past.

Piazzetta Monsignor Bolognini n.1 84124 Salerno – Italia
e-mail: pec: Website:

Humanity & Reason Association for Human Rights










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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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3 commenti

  • Slave of JMJ ha detto:

    Everyone, especially baptized of the faith has a personal responsibility to call Betsy Stafford “Popkes” out for stealing Asher! Betsy’s email is:
    May the God of Wisdom and Purity truly bless Italy, and bless your day! Don’t worry, Christ is coming soon! Let’s persevere in Holy Hope!

  • Slave of JMJ ha detto:

    Anna Stafford’s YouTube Catechism classes for her son Asher Heifetz, plus 2 books (Letters) free online pdf links on the same site, for all Nations and all Peoples.
    May the God of Wisdom and Justice truly bless your day! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  • Slave of JMJ ha detto:

    Reflection Letter of Gratitude to St. Father Moreno and to the Will of God

    O, if only we could truly comprehend the benefits of all injuries, we would only welcome them as a way of sanctification of our souls and of those souls around us. IF only we could become more like Mary, the Queen of Peace, we would truly bear all, to have Christ conquer all of the sin within us. Why should we not forgive for example, Fr. Joe Moreno’s murderers, even if they be clergy, and the entire diocese, and partner dioceses everywhere in the whole world, and the world itself, who hates God?

    Why can we not find it in our own evil and selfish hearts to forgive the few, when we ourselves are so pitiful and shameful to God? First, clean up the wreckage in your own soul, states the Lord, before you take out the toothpick in your client’s (neighbor’s) soul. For example, how many times have we murdered Christ and Mary in our hearts, seeking the world and all its sinful pleasures of the flesh, and then go point fingers at one or two people, and say: fix yourself! Justice! God works His Justice in His time and His timing is perfect. Who are we to say no God, your way isn’t right! We need to first fix ourselves: any imperfection in forgiveness, anger, grudges and judging. Remember, we can judge people the wrong way too: out of their sins, and this is not right either. People neither have a free pass to heaven nor a free pass to Hell.

    Let’s pray against the murders against God and the Faith from within our own hearts, those against the Church, our laziness and sloth in not praying for Fr. Joe Moreno’s killers, for wanting earthly “Justice” served instead of the long-suffering of Calvary. Did Pontious Pilate free Jesus? Then why are we upset, when a civil judge neither frees us, and we become the reproach of all other Catholics, the leper of the community? Why do we have to be tolerated and loved by men? Why?

    Let us persevere in our Faith, depsite all odds. Let us pray daily that Fr. Moreno’s killers repent and come to the Truth, just as St. Maria Goretta’s killer did, after 20 years of patience. How many years have we wept? 10 or 100? How many years has Our Lady wept for us, when we were living debased lives, and now we have to lord “our” agenda over the state, saying “bring us justice now!” ? Why does someone have to be in jail, for our emotions to be appeased? Why? Is it not better to forgive, knowing that we are murderers of the Faith as well, in so many ways, wandering and not for example attending Daily Mass, public Rosaries like we should, and for immitating the modes and fashions of this world.

    Let’s put up all of our sufferings and penances for the repatriation of these poor souls, and let us rejoice and have a holy hope! God is good, and He will work in His time. “All things work for the good of those who love Him” -St. Paul.

    The truth is that we have a very powerful Saint now on our side, if we should chose him as our guide and personal intercessor: Fr. Joe Moreno. We should be thanking his evil murderers for this grace! His intercession is very powerful! He can convert his killers! Do you think Fr. Moreno, now in paradise, cares that he was killed by his own? No, absolutely not. Let us forgive as peacefully as Fr. Joe Moreno forgave in his death-chair. Let us as well “Fall asleep,” so-to-speak, from ourselves, our lusts, passions and sins, and embrace the cross truly all the days of our life. Father Joe Moreno can help us get to heaven. Fr. Joe Moreno can help anyone get to heaven; that is how much he truly cares. I feel he has a special place prepared for his twin sister, shall she persevere in Truth and Justice in this heavy burden, and release from herself all personal guilt, pride, anger and unforgiveness: a true grace from God that we all need. Let’s pray for Sue as well, that she can truly become the “Mother Teresa” or “Princess Diana” of the Buffalo Diocese.

    Amen. Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers, pray for us.

    This leads on to one other thing: Family Law and forgiveness. We must forgive family law, it’s evil designs and practices, and ignore our persecutors, no matter what the cost, in order to come to Christ whole-heartedly and with a humble and contrite heart full of love.

    “I forgive all those who have injured me, and I ask pardon for all those who I have injured. Amen” (An act of Charity).

    Praise be to Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and St. Theresa, our only hope! Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers, pray for us. St. Jude, guide, guard and defend us. Amen.