The Lords of the Future of Religious Life, and Ancient Mass Groups.

13 Settembre 2021 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, with the passage of the realities that were previously under the tutelage of Eccelsia Dei, within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to the Congregation that deals with religious life, this dicastery has become in fact one of the most important in the Vatican, being able to decide on the lives of hundreds of thousands of consecrated persons throughout the world. But who are the managers of this center of power so beloved by the reigning Pontiff? From inside the Vatican Walls comes this merciless portrait. Enjoy reading.



The “holy” guillotine

After the devastating “Traditionis Custodes” the traditionalist world looks with fear and bad forebodings at the future of priestly fraternities and societies of apostolic life linked to the Mass in the extraordinary rite now summarily abolished.

In this sense, I would like to propose to our dear brothers the two figures in whose hands they were “entrusted” by the merciful Pontiff of Buenos Aires, now in a slow but inexorable decline. I am referring to Cardinal Braz de Aviz and Archbishop Carballo, both disturbing and dangerous figures.

Cardinal de Aviz boasts of being descended from the kings of Portugal despite the fact that — words he himself uttered in the past — by a bastard line. The fact, whether real or imaginary, is not completely devoid of symbolism, as it may well be deduced.

Affiliated with Liberation Theology from his first steps in the priesthood, under the pontificate of John Paul II he tried to sprinkle himself with holy water — perhaps with a view to a future career? — joining the Focolare Movement, then and today respected and never investigated by the Vatican, despite the trans-ecumenical spirit and its secrecy at least a little strange. We know the result: thanks to the influence of Chiara Lubich on the Polish pontiff, here is our Aviz elevated to the status of bishop in Brazil. However, the prelate’s pro-communist roots remained intact, as is well demonstrated by the fact that he was one of the very few Brazilian bishops who took an interest in former president Lula when he was in prison, even making a fraternal visit to him for reasons of your stay in Brazil. In short, comrades understand each other …

Later, thanks to Benedict XVI’s then Secretary of State, Aviz was promoted to Rome in 2013, to the surprise of the Nunciature in Brazil, for being at the head of the Congregation of Religious. It is said that Bertone’s secretary was a “focolarine”, and here again we would find the same reason for so much career for such an unknown and low-intellectual subject.

In fact, his passage through the Brazilian dioceses had left bitter memories. The priests complained about the financial obsession of their bishop and certain contradictory and even scandalous attitudes. It was he himself who recognized in a public conference his constant tendency to cover up priests who had children! And in fact he even did it with his brother, now deceased, to whom he entrusted a parish in Brasilia after having assured the local clergy who would have received him discreetly precisely because he had children. This is reliable information, reported by priests who witnessed the events. Already installed in the Vatican, still in the pontificate of Pope Ratzinger, Braz de Aviz became the protagonist of an unedifying affair.

A few years before his arrival in Rome, at the initiative of the Slovenian Cardinal Franc Rodé, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious of the United States had been under an Apostolic Visit for serious doctrinal deviations and community problems (many of these sisters live as business women in apartments, divided into groups of two or three). In fact the CDF was involved to study clearly feminist, pro-abortion, pro-Lgbt doctrinal deviations, and etc etc etc … When Aviz arrived, the American nuns breathed a sigh of relief, while the Brazilian prelate smiled at them amicably. And not only that, he became his defender. Weird, isn’t it? Conservatives are persecuted and punished without evidence, trans-progressives are welcomed and forgiven, even without regret.

In May 2013, Aviz wanted to close the matter of the American nuns, given the new winds that had soon entered the Church. But the CDF stood firm because of doctrinal problems of unusual gravity. At that time, during a meeting with 800 American nuns held in Rome, the cardinal had no better idea than to publicly complain about the attitude of the CDF Prefect, saying these words: “Cardinals can’t be mistrustful of each other.” And regarding the doctrinal rigor of the CDF, he stated: “We are in a moment of needing to review and revision some things. Obedience and authority must be renewed, re-visioned. The authority that commands kills. Obedience that becomes a copy of what the other person says infantilizes” (see National Catholic Reporter).

Apart from the appalling intellectual poverty, characteristic of all Aviz’s interventions, it is impressive to hear such words from the lips of one who now uses authority with true despotism, abusing their power in a terrifying way. These are the contrasts of the revolutionaries, they are all adepts of demagoguery. The fact is that the American sisters were even pardoned by Bergoglio and the Congregation for Religious reduced the penalty by the doctrinal errors to a simple self-criticism that the nuns themselves should have made, to find “a greater harmony with the Catholic teaching on God and on creation.” That’s it! Kisses, hugs and the story is over. Dialogue, reception and benevolence in relation to the revolutionary, pro-abortion and pro-sodomy nuns, was scandalous, but, sadly, it was not repeated later in relation to the congregations considered “rigid”, of traditional orientation. So much so that for Aviz one of the few reasons for concern about religious life is the conservative tendency observed in the most flourishing institutes, that is, those with vocations. These he does not receive, but persecutes and condemns them. Two weights and two measures …

We have known what happened to the traditional congregations, at least in regards to some better-known institutes like the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, mercilessly slaughtered. To them can be added so many others. It seems that today more than seventy institutes are under commissioners. And, although Aviz in a public conference has acknowledged that he likes women despite his seventy-plus years, he has mercilessly and unjustly destroyed many women’s institutes, of proven fidelity to doctrine and rich in apostolic fruits.

“Pas de liberté pour les ennemis de la liberté,” said Danton. And as a direct consequence, those who did not reason according to their sophistry, walked under the guillotine, to pay with their own lives for having attempted against the Revolution. Braz de Aviz, in a similar way, denies dialogue to those who do not think like him and cruelly and arbitrarily uses the guillotine of commissariamento or closure against those who oppose the guidelines of his communist-ecumenical thought.

Revolutionaries always and everywhere act in a similar way. There would be other things to say about Aviz, but let’s save them for another time. Let’s give, not so much, space to Archbishop Carballo.

Archbishop José Carballo was the protagonist, mysteriously not investigated, of the worst financial bankruptcy in recent times in the religious sphere. Thanks to him the Franciscans have suddenly rediscovered their traditional poverty, but certainly not because of the pure love of God. They fell into the trap that greed sets its followers: the scam.

According to Il fatto quotidiano: “At the root of the bankruptcy there would be bad investments in society linked to illicit trafficking, such as drugs and weapons.” There is talk in the newspapers of losses of approximately 50 million euros. The administrative mess, which had the General House as its protagonist, also ended with the death by “suicide” of the Milanese broker Leonida Rossi. Fray Carballo was then Father General and, therefore, the person in charge of the mega economic operation that, according to some sources, would not have been completely clean. There is talk – rumors, which need to be confirmed – of a truck of cash that crossed the Alps to reach the cashiers of the “neutral” banks, and it is even said that the Carballo firm was on the papers authorizing the opening of accounts in Switzerland. This information must be investigated and eventually confirmed, with all impartiality and seriousness, in future times, when, as we hope, there will be a pontiff who is really interested in doing justice. For now, Carballo, although he has the general house of his order two steps from the Vatican, lives with his assistant in a beautiful apartment little Franciscan near the house of Santa Marta and wanders around Rome in a white Smart, which can barely bear the weight of his plump grandeur.

It is worth noting that other prelates, such as Cardinal Ladaria, remained in their religious houses of origin, moving every day to the Vatican. Why did Carballo, on the other hand, prefer to find refuge behind the Leonine walls, thus contravening his charisma of poverty?

The fact is that Fray Carballo, being the General of the order, could not fail to be responsible for such operations. To confirm this are Canon Law (c. 636 §1 and 2; c. 638 §3) and the Constitutions of the Franciscans (articles 246, 248 §3. See also articles 250, 251, 253 of the General Statutes), available on the Internet. And if what he affirmed is true: “I had nothing to do with it [the investments in Switzerland]”, we must admit that we are faced with a great lie. Be it complicity or grossly culpable negligence, Carballo is responsible for the ruin of the Franciscans, in operation with unclear contours. However, he was not investigated neither by the judiciary nor by the Vatican. For what reasons?

Perhaps the new Minister General of the order, Fray Massimo Fusarelli OFM, could provide some information in this regard as close collaborator of Carballo for ten years and even one of those interviewed in the interesting Report RAI “I poverelli”, by Alberto Nerazzini, which we recommend. A character like Fray Carballo, by the irony of history, has shown in front of everyone his absolute lack of shame by assuming the position of Secretary for Religious, and, later, by signing a document on the guidelines of good administration in the consecrated life … There are no words!!!

When Pope Bergoglio recited one of his mantras — now he doesn’t do it anymore… — about the need to be at least ashamed, who knows what he thought of his aide-de-camp in CIVCSVA. From then on, Archbishop Carballo became a moralizer, and not only. Today he is undoubtedly the Saint Just of the Bergoglian revolution, the one who sends under the hard sheet of dissolution or commissariamento the so-called conservative institutes, which we will simply call Catholics.

Bergoglio must be satisfied with the effectiveness of his collaborator … In fact, the “straw tail”, according to the ancient fable, is a fairly effective form of blackmail. But how long will Fray Carballo remain without burning? Only time will tell. Revenge for so many injustices will be the Lord’s, as Saint Paul teaches us. In the meantime, we pray for those who persecute the innocent.

In short, these two characters are the faithful collaborators of Bergoglio in charge of treating with “maternal affection” the institutes linked to the Mass in the extraordinary rite. We do not know whether to wish our dear traditionalist friends a holy martyrdom or, rather, a valiant resistance. We will be united in prayer praying: God help us soon!


Emanuele Brunatto









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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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