Quarracino: Abortion in Argentina, Result of an Operation from Abroad.

6 Gennaio 2021 Pubblicato da



Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, José Arturo Quarracino sent us this reflection on the legalization of abortion in Argentina, the fruit of an international operation that started in Great Britain. Enjoy your reading.


With the indispensable contribution of the Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the virtual president, what has happened this week is not only the legalization of the pre-natal death penalty has been imposed in Argentina, but also in fact the realization of the genocidal plan that was conceived and promoted by the British abortionist multinational, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), a “private” institution for which 80% of its annual budget is subsidized directly by governments of developed countries and by international organizations, and the other 20% by the large manufacturing and financial multinationals.

On December 30 the Argentine Senate legalized abortion by means of a legal monstrosity that blatantly violates the national Constitution, “legalizing” the death penalty for the most innocent and defenseless of all, a legalization that the Magna Carta absolutely forbids.

We have also said that the approved laws also deserve a psychiatric analysis, since among other things they declare that abortion is the right of a woman to kill her own child before it is born, but at the same time they maintain the criminal nature of this action. And on the other hand, it is permitted for a woman to have an abortion with a simple written declaration, without judicial complaint and without evidence, alleging that her pregnancy is the result of rape, thereby eliminating the child but leaving the rapist who committed the crime alive.

The senators who voted in favor of the legalization of abortion were all in agreement in their argumentation justifying the decision, posing it as “a problem of public health,” because poor women, with scarce resources, resort to clandestine practices to abort, in uncertain conditions that often force them to go to hospitals and public health centers, after putting their lives at risk, overwhelming hospital workers. From President Alberto Fernandez to Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, national deputies and senators, everyone has used this health argument, believing themselves to be “progressives” and “revolutionaries.”

But to the disillusion of the abortionists, as we have demonstrated and proved ad nauseam, the argument that women have the right to abortion and that they ought to exercise it in safe health conditions is not original to these militant activists for prenatal death, but goes back to John Davison Rockefeller III, the inventor of this homicidal and genocidal vision: “ […] contraception is the method of choice for preventing undesired births. We believe that abortion should not be considered a substitute for birth control, but rather as an element of an overall maternal and child health care system.”

In short: the law that legalizes abortion in Argentina is based on the contraceptive, abortive, and genocidal ideology of the international financial oligarchy, of which John Davison Rockefeller III and his family are the political operators par excellence of this speculative and predatory power.

For its part, the British multinational IPPF was the executive arm of the anti-natalist and criminal plan designed by the aforementioned American magnate Rockefeller. In this sense, the national executive and legislative powers [of Argentina] were only the executors of this sinister genocidal infanto-phobic plan which has been realized all over the world and now also in our own country.

A few hours after the approval of the law in Argentina, on December 31, the website of the Western Region section of the IPPF not only saluted the legislative “triumph” but also made known that it was this organization that “has nourished an ecosystem of feminist and activist organizations for more than 15 years, which have contributed to making it possible today” for abortion to be legalized.

Not only that, but it also recognized that the IPPF “directly supports seven partners in Argentina which in turn subsidize another 20 grassroots organizations throughout the country, which are those that accompany politicians and legislators, carry out communication and dissemination campaigns to make the “right to abortion” present in public discourse, and actively plan the best way to support the implementation of the new law.”

The seven IPPF partners in the country are true collaborative quisling organizations: – Casa FUSA – Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir – CEDES (Centro de Estudio de Estado y Sociedad) – Amnesty International in Argentina – Fundación Huésped – CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales) – FEIM Argentina.

In sum: a British invasion with “Argentine” collaborationism in all respects.

It means that the “initiative” promoted by the Argentine President and accompanied and supported by the Vice President of the nation is, in reality, a foreign plan carried out by “Argentines” in the best style of historical liberal oligarchies at the service of the British Empire and Her Majesty. But these oligarchs of today are not ideologically liberal but rather “social democrat progressives,” disguised as “national and popular” but in reality managers who carry out the pre-natal genocide and administrators of the national and social disintegration of Argentina.

In short, the legalization of abortion attained in these days has signified the confluence of genocide project of the Rockefeller clan, the strategy of invasion-colonization of the IPPF and the collaboration of indigenous leaders, in order to carry out the most frightening and sinister genocide of all: the genocide of the most defenseless and innocent of all, unborn children.

Historically, Great Britain:

  • Has taken control of the Argentine economy, for long periods of our history
  • Has stolen part of our national territory (the Falkland Islands)
  • Has appropriated a large part of the national wealth and portions of the country
  • Now takes the last step: the elimination and death of most of the Argentines who come into the world.

Strictly speaking, Argentina is undergoing the British invasions of the 21st century, no longer for its natural riches or its economic resources, nor for the appropriation of its territory, but in order to murder and mercilessly kill the Argentines of the future in a true war of extermination. English invasions that are part of the same war of 1806-1807 and 1982, but that take place not with military force but with the arms of the spirit, in a cultural, doctrinal, and ideological combat that is a fight to the death.

José Arturo Quarracino

DNI 10.801.385

1 Rockefeller Commission Report, Growth Population and the American Future, Chapter 11, New York 1972.

2 En https://www.ippfwhr,org/es/resource/argentina-se-convierte-en-el-pais-latinoamericano-mas-grande-en-legalizar-el-aborto/




(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti










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