¿Dejar a Bergoglio donde está? El obispo Schneider se equivoca. Carlo María Viganò

18 Novembre 2023 Pubblicato da 2 Commenti

Marco Tosatti

Queridos amigos y enemigos de Stilum Curiae, me parece interesante ofrecer a vuestra consideración este post publicado en X por monseñor Carlo Maria Viganò en relación a algunas opiniones sobre la situación de la Iglesia expresadas por monseñor Athanasius Schneider. Feliz lectura y compartir.


En teoría, la acción de gobierno de un Pontífice sigue siendo válida y eficaz incluso cuando un solo acto puede ser cuestionable; pero en la práctica, una serie ininterrumpida y coherente de actos claramente contrarios al propósito por el cual existe el Papado demuestra no la falibilidad humana del Papa en las decisiones gubernamentales (en las que no está infaliblemente asistido por el Espíritu Santo y, por lo tanto, puede equivocarse), sino la determinación de utilizar la autoridad papal y el poder que de ella se deriva con fines subversivos: esto socava la autoridad misma no sólo en los actos individuales, sino en su conjunto, porque revela la mente de Bergoglio y su incompatibilidad con la función que desempeña.

Esta serie ininterrumpida de actos contrarios a la finalidad del Munus petrinum, que comenzó desde la primera aparición en la logia vaticana, confirma el consentimiento viciado al asumir el Papado, que Bergoglio pretendía utilizar -y utiliza todavía- para destruir a la Iglesia y dañar a las almas.

Los argumentos de monseñor Schneider en defensa de la tesis de que es preferible dejar al jesuita argentino en el trono antes que reconocer la invalidez de su elección por un defecto de consenso, con el argumento de que ello crearía división en la Iglesia (rectius: el cuerpo eclesial , dado que la Iglesia es una e indivisible) son completamente insostenibles, porque la unidad del Cuerpo Místico -es decir, de sus miembros con la Cabeza- es la unidad de la Caridad en la Verdad, por lo que quien no está en la Verdad no puede ni siquiera estar en la Caridad.

La evaluación externa de la acción gubernamental de Bergoglio no puede limitarse a la crítica de los actos individuales como si cada uno fuera independiente, por la misma razón que una acción pecaminosa tiene un peso moral diferente, dependiendo de su carácter episódico (pecado ocasional) o viceversa de su hábito (vicio adquirido como habitus operativus).

El pecado de un marido que engaña a su mujer una vez no tiene la misma gravedad que una repetición frecuente y habitual e ininterrumpida de los pecados de adulterio. El tumor que se extendió en la Iglesia a partir de la revolución conciliar y extendido progresivamente en metástasis durante los años posconciliares, con el jesuita argentino ha conquistado completamente la cabeza.

Es precisamente este devastador proceso revolucionario, con su fatal desenlace en Bergoglio, lo que conservadores como monseñor Schneider no quieren admitir, también porque implicaría en la responsabilidad de la situación actual a todos los Papas que lo alentaron y determinaron sus premisas. De esto no se deduce que comparto las opiniones de los sedevacantistas.


Publicado originalmente en Italiano el 17 de noviembre de 2023, en https://www.marcotosatti.com/2023/11/17/lasciare-bergoglio-dove-mons-schneider-sbaglia-carlo-maria-vigano/

Traducción al español por: José Arturo Quarracino


Ayuda a Stilum Curiae

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2 commenti

  • Amparo ha detto:

    Y no ha pensado usted, Excelencia, que hubo también voluntad viciada en la renuncia del Papa Benedicto XVI, es decir que no tenía intención de renunciar al Oficio? Esto es patente: conservar el título de Papa, su nombre papal, el hábito talar blanco y solideo blanco (en Derecho Canónico se consideran INSIGNIAS EXCLUSIVAS DEL PAPA) y la afirmación de que su renuncia era hecha DE UN MODO NUEVO sin tener nada que ver con las renuncias anteriores?

  • slave of JMJ ha detto:

    Praise be to Jesus and Mary! I too had been a bit critical at first of the writings of Archbishop Vigano until I had a vision from God not being very happy with me. I was afraid and felt I was going to be punished by God for criticizing Archbishop Vigano in my heart. Well, Our Lord then showed me the power of protection over Archbishop Vigano. God has the power to hold the entire world in his hand and cast down all Archbishop Vigano’s enemies with a single puff of his breath or flick of his finger. It was so strong that all his enemies would be pushed down on their backs like little bugs or ants; completely helpless to the power of God. Then I saw Christ Himself pouring a huge vessel like the Precious Blood of wine at Cana into Archbishop Vigano’s right arm. Christ Crucified is working through Archbishop Vigano for these end-times. I was amazed, so much that I could only sing and praise the Lord for his deeds. God had to cast out parts of my heart in order to prepare me for this vision. He cast out my anger, hate and envy; whatever was evil in my heart. Then he showed me these visions. I had a second vision in a dream about a year later where Archbishop Vigano appeared to me and became a full-size two-dimensional paper, like a celestial paper, escutcheon or seal. The seal came towards me and emblazed itself on me, mostly on my brain and my heart. I feel this was a special celestial anointing and seal for those who embrace the teachings of Archbishop Vigano without complaint and are willing to quit their lives in order to follow the teachings. These visions and gifts are not just for me; they are for ANYONE who wants to follow the Way of the Cross and accept these teachings. But who will accept them? Will Christ find Faith on earth when He returns? Most do not accept Archbishop Vigano’s teachings because they are “party fouls” because MOST LATIN MASS CATHOLICS ARE RICH SPOILED BRATS in the United States, extremely proud and cocky, including the FSSP priests, and do NOT want to give up their luxurious lifestyle to follow the teachings of Archb. Vigano. The FSSP priests down the road where I live have turned most layperson hearts away from Archbishop Vigano. Why? “Too serious” etc. It’s a party foul for them because it doesn’t include drinking. It’s not about having fun, and that’s what corrupted FSSP priests want anymore; they want laypeople to be in the party room drinking, buying and selling on Sunday, talking to their senior mortgage loan officers, financial district and real estate agents so they can make massive amounts of money for their endless building projects. Archbishop Vigano’s teachings require us to deny ourselves, to pick up the Cross and Follow Him.

  • slave of JMJ ha detto:

    Praise be to Jesus and Mary! Archbishop Vigano is correct; you can’t let a thief run free in the Church; that would be against Holy Love (Love of God and Love of Neighbor) and would break all of the 10 commandments, because you cannot break one of them: “Thou Shalt not Steal” and not break them all (“whoever shall break the least of these commandments has broken them all”). A thief running free in the church will only pervert and corrupt the Church more and more, and a thief is NOT repentant unless they admit, crying real tears of contrition, that they “STOLE THE ELECTION” and are instantly willing to back down and live a life of penance and mortification. That would be a sign the thief has repented. American men do not care that Pope Francis stole the election. That is the sad, sad truth of the situation. “Oh, who cares!” they say. Why do they NOT care? Because THEY ARE TOO BUSY STEALING THEMSELVES, stealing cars by signing horrible and terrible auto car loans that impoverish their wives and children so they have to force them into free godless public schools and force their wives into horrible 40-hr/week jobs, by lying at their work in order to “Get to the top!” etc etc, by avoiding Church in order to watch godless TV, drink, do drugs, watch porn, etc. Porn is a HUGE problem among Catholic men in the Americas. So they end up not caring whether Pope Francis stole the election. “As long as he’s not stealing from me!” they say.

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