Msgr. X: Viganò is Helping us to Find Out What Led BXVI to Resign

14 Marzo 2021 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, Msgr. X has read the interview which Archbishop Viganò gave to Radio Spada, and has sent us this reflection, which we think is very interesting, because it brings the focus of the discussion back to the crucial point: the abandonment of Benedict XVI, an action which shook the Church and the world, and whose consequences we are still undergoing. Enjoy your reading.


Dear Tosatti.

I agree with the spirit and content of the interview done by Archbishop Viganò [with Radio Spada], which should not be dropped; this interview should form the basis for a project: investigating the final events of February 2013.

And therefore I once again thank His Excellency Archbishop Viganò for his courage and determination.

If today we still have the possibility of reflecting and speaking about what happened on February 11, 2013, it is practically solely thanks to Viganò that the light has been “kept on” about the event which changed the world eight years ago, whose true reasons, which were never given or really investigated, would like to be buried or canceled.

The reason why is obvious. With the resignation of Pope Ratzinger the entire Catholic Church resigned from being the Moral Authority of the world.

With the resignation of Ratzinger the entire world collapsed.

With this interview Viganò seems to have chosen his next mission: that of wanting to know and explain what happened and why…

Thus in this interview he touches on two arguments that are the keys for understanding what happened.

First: the role of Benedict’s personal secretary and the Secretary of State.

Second: What was the Herranz Commission for, and what conclusions did it come to.

I would like to offer two considerations.

First, I do not believe that the feeling of “Stockholm syndrome” was equivalent towards Bertone and Ganswein. Up until the release of the documents that gave rise to Vatileaks, Ganswein was the faithful and devoted servant of Benedict; it is immediately afterwards that he changed 180 degrees.

And from that moment, his attitude changed, along with those who had demonstrated that they knew how to control even the Pope. Certainly Archbishop Viganò understands what I mean.

Second consideration: the Herranz commission.

I am certain that Cardinal Herranz is a holy man and was extremely careful in the work he did, but the practical result was irrelevant.

Why? The only real result of the year-long work of the commission was Ratzinger’s decision to resign, without any explanation.

Are you kidding me? A report done by Herranz leads the Pope to resign and changes the world and yet it still remains secret?

Of course you will say: it would be disruptive to reveal it, like the final secret of Fatima (remember who denied it on television at Porta a Porta?).

The commission had to investigate the release of documents, those responsible, opposing power groups in the Curia, specific well-identified characters and their actions and intentions, etc.

Practically, it had to explain to Benedict who his internal enemies were, how they worked, and with what external connections.

Archbishop Viganò is correct, some had asked to testify, but others were ignored, and others were discouraged from doing so.

I know of a very important character with an extremely significant role in that context, who asked to be interrogated; he was even told to prepare for his interview and to prepare dossiers, but the interrogation never took place.

Indeed, some very “domestic” press agencies were told that he was interrogated but that he had not given any relevant information.

I believe that what happened in the period 2011-2013 has not yet been explained, and never will be, even if an Archbishop Viganò should desist.

Do you understand why Viganò was and is so denigrated and made the object of intimidation?

Because it is feared that he will address – soon, I hope – the topic of Ratzinger’s “resignation” and finally obtain some explanations.

For this reason they seek to take away his credibility.

If anyone still believes that it is important to know why Benedict XVI resigned, it is indispensable – I repeat, indispensable – to know what was explained to the Pope in the third and final meeting with the Herranz Commission, which presumable took place between February 6 –10, 2013.

The “imposed” story that Ratzinger resigned because of fatigue is insupportable.

Thanks to Archbishop Viganò, we are still here talking about it, we must talk about it, we want to talk about it.

What happened on February 11, 2013, not only changed the Church, it contributed to changing the whole world. It is also certain that as long as the Pope is Bergoglio, the famous box that Benedict gave him will remain locked up in a sealed warehouse; perhaps it has already been censored, so that no light is ever shed on the events that changed a pontificate, the Church, and the entire Catholic world, to the advantage of the enemies of the Church.

But if Archbishop Viganò does not lose courage and determination, perhaps we will be able to understand many other mysteries contemporary with and subsequent to February 2013.

For the good of the Church and the entire world.

Msgr. X


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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti










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