Msgr. X on Card. Sarah: Pope Bergoglio is More and More like Nero

21 Febbraio 2021 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, Msgr. X has sent us this brief comment on the resignation of Cardinal Robert Sarah. A resignation that has been quickly accepted, while others who have surpassed the canonical limit of 75 years of age, and who perhaps do not have such a clean resume, continue to flourish in the shadow of Pope Bergoglio…well! But didn’t he tell Müller three years ago that he wanted to start rigorously applying the law about retirement at 75? Was it a lie, a change of opinion, forgetfulness, or the Marquis of Grillo? We will leave the arduous decision up to you. Enjoy your reading!


Bergoglio is more and more like Nero

Dear Tosatti, beginning today, Cardinal Sarah is a free man, a free priest, and certainly more serene.

Bergoglio must have thought that he was punishing him, when in reality he freed him.

On hearing the news of his resignation yesterday, I thought first of all of the relief that this holy man must have felt in no longer being obligated to live an impossible unity of life (as Prefect of Divine Worship) under Bergoglio.

I thought of the relief that Cardinal Sarah must have felt in no longer being forced to accept the compromise between his personal responsibility and the responsibility he had as a member of a Prelature that he did not want to indirectly involve with behavior that was unwelcome to the pope.

I thought of the relief that he must have felt in no longer being constrained to publicly praise the pope or observe the directives he did not agree with (one thinks of the litany on migrants or the miracle of the translation of the Holy House of Loreto).

I thought of the relief he must have felt in no longer being forced to try to reconcile his sense of responsibility towards God with the forced obedience to the moods and dispositions of a “Nero” of Catholicity.

The resignation of Cardinal Sarah made me think of Seneca and Nero, who knows why. Seneca, the Roman Stoic philosopher, was very powerful under Nero’s imperium as long as he pleased Nero; when he stopped pleasing him, he was induced to commit suicide (A.D. 65).

Nero burned down Rome; Bergoglio is burning down the Roman Church.

Seneca, who explained the errors of Nero, was induced to suicide. Sarah, guilty only of having manifested the Truth, was fired.

Both Nero and Bergoglio condemned the intentions of their counselors simply because they spoke the truth.

The Bergoglian blog Faro de Roma writes that the pope was obligated to retire Sarah because Sarah had made too many provocations against him, as well as in view of a future conclave.

It explains that Pope Bergoglio did not tolerate Sarah defending a supposed “true Catholicity” that was different from his own.

He did not tolerate Sarah going often to visit Benedict XVI to weep with him over the Church.

He did not tolerate that he wrote books, that he gave interviews, that he sought notoriety in public opinion.

The pope supposedly warned him, admonished him, publicly reproved him, and even corrected him with a letter. Above all the pope did not tolerate Sarah’s book on the celibacy of priests, written with Benedict XVI just as the pope was preparing to issue Querida Amazonia. Faro de Roma goes on to say: “Sarah demonstrated that he did not understand the situation and that he had little concern for the unity of the Church.”

The truth is that Sarah has perfectly understood the situation, and he has prayed unceasingly for the unity of the Church, which has been harshly put to the test by the present pontificate.

I know it.

Msgr. X




(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti

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