Bergoglio Theological Populist against Emperor Trump, who would like the US to be more Catholic. Msgr. Ics.
31 Gennaio 2025
Lascia il tuo commentoMarco Tosatti
Dear readers of Stilum Curiae, Monsignor X, whom we thank wholeheartedly, has received a message from a friend in the USA that he wants to share with us. Happy reading!
Dear friend [Msgr. X], perhaps your friend Tosatti of Stilum Curiae will want to publish these few lines, which certainly do not contain any news for you Italian observers, but here in Washington they are the key reflection (“the dominant reflection”) in these days in the Catholic world.
The Pontiff will never clash with leaders of other religions, with the Rabbinate of Israel, with the Orthodox Patriarch, with the Dalai Lama, etc.
The clash between religions is over.
Samuel Huntington’s prophecy in this regard will not come true. A second clash between Pope and Empire is now beginning, just like the one that dominated European politics between the 11th and 14th centuries. Today, however, instead of the fight over investitures, it has now become a fight over what faith is, over Catholic doctrine, over political correctness, etc.
And the clash is between Pope Bergoglio and Emperor Trump.
Apparently, the fight is over Migrants (Mexican “mass deportation”), the Environment, Inequalities, the appointment of the US ambassador to the Holy See (Brian Burch) and the Pope’s response by appointing the ultra-progressive Cardinal Robert McElroy as Archbishop of Washington.
But in fact, the fight is really over Power. Pope Bergoglio does not act as Pope, he acts as a political Leader, one of “Peronist” education, but defined by d’Alema as “the greatest leader of the left,” Now, in my opinion Pope Bergoglio is neither Peronist nor D’Alemaian. He is something else…
An influential Italian-American philosopher who teaches Theology at a University in Philadelphia, Faggioli Massimo (with respect and affection), in an attempt to compare Bergoglio with Trump, explains that Bergoglio, unlike Trump, is a “theological populist” and has the intent of making Catholicism less dependent on the West, especially the USA. Unlike Bergoglio, in fact, Trump would apparently like a USA that is in fact much more Catholic, less pro-abortion, less Obama, less WHO, less multiracial, less environmentalist, less woke, less sinful, less ignorant…. All good reasons to excommunicate him!!
This is a real clash of civilizations, dear friend… You yourself told me that in the Vatican Curia, many prelates close to the Pope are very worried about his “excesses” of modernism, so much so that there is an entire team of theologians and psychologists who spend the day “reinterpreting” his statements, in order to correct them. It would be enough to read the ACI STAMPA agency to understand the effort that the very good and very skilled editors are making…
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