“If you do not speak, the stones will shout”. Letter to the Cardinals.

19 Agosto 2024 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we offer to your attention this article published by the Alleati dell’Eucarestia e del Vangelo.


FILIAL SUPPLICATION: “If you do not speak, the stones will shout” Letter to the Cardinals. Flash mob
by Veronica Cireneo
Ah, how long among us, known or unknown Sons of God, have we been registering in our consciences and in those of others pain and dismay at this delirious world turned
upside down.
From the profane to the sacred how many absurdities, lies, abuses!

We suffer in particular from the confusion of the Church, Mother and Teacher, from the
Eternal and Clear Word, stricken by the cancer of progressivism, where everything is as
good as its opposite.
How much disaffection it generates towards Her, this comatose state of faith, perfectly
discernible in those who by faith would make radical life choices: the consecrated.

Many of them improvise themselves as clowns on the Altar, and when one encounters a
brother in crisis, who once, with the certainty of bringing him closer to Salvation, one
would invite to a priest and a confessional, one cannot now do so casually. In fact, one
risks sending a wounded lamb straight to the wolf’s mouth instead of to a specialised
The Churches have emptied. So many sects have sprung up at this juncture. Everyone
says: “God is here. He is not there. I have him!”
But: “Do not follow them” says Jesus.
Extra ecclesiam, nulla salus

Many blame Francis for this debacle and many are those who have been accusing him of
heresy, schism and apostasy for years. And many more are those who violate the third
commandment, deserting even the Sunday Mass. They reject the Sacrament of
Confession and Communion because they detest the pronouncement in the canon of the
name of the Pontiff they consider anti-pope, which is why, according to them, at the
Consecration of bread and wine, transubstantiation would not even take place.
This madness has reached such levels that many of them go so far as to deprive dying
relatives of the viaticum, for fear of committing mortal sin by receiving a sacrament
from one who is in union with a heretic.
How many people have presented their souls to the afterlife without the comfort and
justification derived from Confession and Communion, even though they had the desire
to do so!
Even if a pope were a heretic, he would be excommunicated latae sententiae. That is,
there would be no need for a regular canonical process. All that would be needed would
be an official declaration by the one who has the power to do so. Not anyone, but only
cardinals have the power.It is for this reason, and because of the seriousness of the condition in which the Church,
faith and souls find themselves, that the “Alleati dell’Eucarestia e del Vangelo”, in
collaboration with the association “Iustitia in Veritate”, humbly address a filial
supplication to three Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, known for their fidelity to
the Truth, a filial supplication, so that they may ascertain and officially express a
definitive word on the heresies, pre- and post-election to the Petrine throne, of which the
Reigning Pontiff is accused, judging him, so that some order and due correspondence
between the Catholic hierarchy, the Bimillenarian Sound Doctrine of the Church and Her
Founder, Spouse, Sovereign and Master: Our Lord Jesus Christ may return and finally
proceed expeditiously on the path of the Faith of all times, without doubts and
infidelities. We thank them in advance.

P S. The letter addressed to the Cardinals, which, considering the importance of the
cause, we hope you will send and have sent in significant numbers, is reproduced below
in full and in PDF format. It is possible to send to the addresses of your Most Eminent
Eminences, even just the PDF preceded by the words: I SHARED AND
UNDERTAKEN the following missive, indicating Name, City of residence and date of

In the subject line: Filial supplication.
Addresses to which to send the plea:
Card. Burke
1) communications@rlb.us.comCardinal Muller
2) mueller@org.va

Cardinal Sarah

Good work.
God assist us and may His Will be done.
 Laudetur Jesus Christus

I endorse and subscribe to the following plea.

Name ….

Most Reverend Eminences,
Cardinals L.R.Burke, G. L. Müller and R. Sarah,
like sheep who consider themselves graced to still have faith, in spite of everything, we
feel tired and almost unhorsed by continuous scandals that show no sign of being
resolved, but rather are amplified in every sphere in number and gravity, without anyone
putting a stop to the spiritual and moral disaster that besieges us.We therefore turn to You, whose faith, sensitivity and stubbornness in the defence of the
Holy Church of God and Its doctrine are well known to us, to plead for Your official
intervention regarding the heresy of certain statements of the reigning Pontiff, before and
after his election, which seem, to most, to contradict and oppose the Revealed Truth,
thus jeopardising the salvation of our souls and especially of the younger generations.

We turn to you, Princes of the Church, the only ones whose task it is to make an official
pronouncement, which the confused and disoriented Catholic people yearn for, because
we know Your battles for the custody of the faith and the safeguarding of the spiritual
order established over the centuries, the backbone and marrow of our salvation.

We know Your own doubts about the lawfulness of certain statements already made and
officially made public, on the subject of the family, abortion, homosexuality, synodality,
and Your love for the Gospel, the Eucharist and the repudiation of all heresy.

We also know how Your and others’ attempts at formal and filial correction, aimed at
rectifying or retracting the most scandalous hierarchical pronouncements have fallen on
deaf ears.

Those pronouncements that raise serious doubts about the adherence of the current
pontificate to the authentic Catholic faith, which are difficult to reconcile with Its

We refer to those reported, for example, in these articles: on Abu Dhabi, in Amoris
 accused of 7 heresies and in  Fiducia Supplicans.

Articles emphasising statements that blatantly contradict the Catholic faith and Revealed
Truth and which have generated so much confusion, jeopardising the unity of the Church
and the salvation of souls.

The time has come, Your Eminences, for these heresies to be judged and condemned and
for those who are often placed at the top and in strategic positions to be removed, as if
the Church’s task was to destroy itself.

In fact, at the moment in the Church, incomprehensible excommunications and
reductions to the lay state, often inflicted in a scandalous manner, are being meted out to
ministers who are faithful to doctrine and morals, while at the same time others are being
promoted to ever higher positions. These people, like people who have infiltrated the
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, seem to want to turn it upside down,
through a slow and inexorable metamorphosis that turns the Church from One into none
and a hundred thousand, from Holy into prostitute, from Catholic into relative and from
Apostolic into anti-Christian.

Never before has the Holy Church needed to separate itself from the ambiguities,
confusion and moral decadence that grips, anaesthetises and numbs the consciences of
the entire world, placing souls in favourable conditions for eternal perdition.

How many invalid and sacrilegious confessions and Communions are made on the basis
of erroneous statements, pronounced against Catholic doctrine and morals, even reported
in the above-mentioned documents of “Amoris Laetitia” and “Fiducia Supplicans”?

It is clear that an authoritative official pronouncement by You on the heresies that are
spreading during the current pontificate, which could place the Pontiff outside the
Church, would bear inestimable fruit in terms of unity and the salvation of souls.

We know that Canon 1404 of the Code of Canon Law expressly states that: “The First
See is judged by no one”.

But it is also true that, in the face of this, St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, in
his treatise on the Roman Pontiff, claimed that: “A Pope who is a manifest heretic ceases
per se, automatically, to be Pope and to command, just as he automatically ceases to be
a Christian and a member of the Church. Therefore, he can be judged and punished by
the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who taught that manifest
heretics immediately lose any jurisdiction”

Accusations of heresy are coming from many quarters, but only to You Cardinals
belongs the power to pronounce a clear and definitive word on the age-old question of
the worthiness and dignity of the present pontificate.We await your pronouncement as a matter of urgency, dear Eminences, while we plead
for a powerful divine intervention.

We are the Church militant and we want to make our contribution, doing everything in
our power to defend the Faith and Truth, against the anti-Christic forces that would like
to disintegrate it.

Each and every one of us will be called to account.

We do not beseech Your intervention for our sake, for we wish to suffer all that Our Lord
Jesus Christ wishes for us.

But we beseech You for the sake of His Name, for the sake of His Bride, for the
salvation of our souls and for the salvation of the souls of the new generations, which are
being catechised everywhere by the world, by the evil one and by the flesh.

The new generations are in great danger, Your Eminences! On them and on the little
ones rests the heaviest of Crosses, involuntarily assumed as an inheritance already
deprived of love, the fruit of centuries and centuries of errors and horrors for which we
alone are responsible.

How will these young people be saved from despair and the clutches of the evil one, in
the sad and tribulated times in which they wander lost, without knowing the authentic
Gospel and God’s Love for them? Who will help them?
Your Eminences, after God’s, the Church and our souls are in Your hands. We give Glory
to the Lord and to Mary Most Holy Our Queen and Advocate, that they may always be
praised and may bless, confirm, protect and save us. So be it.

With filial gratitude, in the month of the Precious Blood of Christ.

Gli Alleati dell’Eucarestia e del Vangelo in collaboration with Iustitia in Veritate
[Here pdf to download with related links]

Saturday 13 July 2024
(Anniversary of the 3rd Apparition of Fatima)

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Contact: alleatieucarestia@gmail.com

Translation from italian by: Silvano

Article version: ItalianSpanishFrench


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