Martian Observer, Bergoglio Subtle Evangelizer and China.

10 Dicembre 2022 Pubblicato da Lascia il tuo commento


Marco Tosatti


Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, the Martian Observer, always attentive to the events on our planet, even journalistic ones, came across an article that tries to convince us that Pope Bergoglio is a fine evangelizer, particularly in what concerns Asia, and more particularly even in the case of communist China. Well! He gives the argument and the arguer a few of his thoughts. Enjoy your reading.



There is a saying here on Mars: “What is appreciated by jackals (no offense…) normally worries hares and rabbits.” … This saying can be reinterpreted by saying that what is appreciated by a secularist should worry a Catholic. And this concept is well-exemplified by the article here below, written by a well-known and authoritative journalist from La Stampa….a well-known pro-Catholic newspaper.

The so-called author, as you can read in the attached article, pretends to explain to the reader that Pope Bergoglio is evangelizing and converting the entire world with his tweets, communicating profound thoughts to everyone in every region of the world, in China, in Africa, in India.

For China above all (the author of the article is La Stampa’s China correspondent), Pope Bergoglio is presented by the author as a new Jesuit evangelizer, like the servant of God Father Matteo Ricci, who was a missionary in China in the early seventeenth century.

Our great Sinologist says that in China, before Bergoglio, Catholics were an “intellectual curiosity”… But today what are they? Are they perhaps Catholics who follow the communist regime?

Our intellectual author gives the same exaltation to Bergoglio the evangelizer for how he is reawakening Catholicism in India, in Africa, etc. But not only this. He exalts him for how he is dialoguing with the Protestants and the Anglicans.

Very well, this is exactly what is appreciated by the “jackals” but feared by the poor Catholic “hares and rabbits,” who on the contrary are witnessing, worried, the Bergoglian revolution of doctrine.

But the author of the article manifestly frequents other “environments,” those that have asked him to affirm that Bergoglio is actually finally destroying the true evil in the Church: “The excess of Tradition” (sic).

But that’s not all: our author also says that with Bergoglio “atheistic militancy is over.” Of course! Because if the pope is an atheist, there is no longer any need to fight against him!

The “jackals,” according to the Martian saying, have conquered and have already eaten the hares and rabbits they found inside the Vatican walls.

What better could they have wished for than a pope who proposes to recognize the divinity of the Pachamama? Or of a pope who declares that Luther a doctor of Christianity and brings him back into the Church? Here on Mars we consider Bergoglio to be the pope who has converted Catholicism to the conversion that the world wanted.

He is not a “bungler” as the author says… he is a very cunning devil.

But the last lines of the article I am quoting (you can read them for yourselves) explain the content made up even of exaggerated sock-licking.

The author of the article proposes to put the Vatican media in their place, adapting it to modern times, in order to better enhance the greatness of Bergoglio.

But what a beautiful self-promoted campaign to replace Andrea Tornielli! (He is also a former vaticanista of La Stampa.) But is it from La Stampa that the creator’s of the pope’s media strategy from 2013 onwards must come? What do you think, Tosatti (you who also come from La Stampa)? Could it be that this newspaper is the one to form the spokespersons of the new Catholicism? Even better than Avvenire?

Your Martian Observer




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