De Mari Community. Ruling by Terror is Always a Temptation.

15 Maggio 2022 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, it seems appropriate to bring to your attention, if you had not already read this enlightening article by Silvana De Mari, whom we thank from the bottom of our hearts, on the mechanisms put in place to condition our information, our opinions and our decisions. Happy reading and sharing.



There are three books that explain how a mass hypnosis is structured. The Ways of Psychology by Roberto Marchesini explains how psychology was born. Founded to aid the understanding of man and promote healing through the intuition of the interaction of the body with the mind, psychology has become a fluid place where everything and the opposite of everything can be proven and passed off as scientific certainties. Marchesini shows that psychology has been and is periodically invaded by people with tragic imbalances and motivations that are not always confessable, he recalls how 99% of teachers and students of the faculties of social psychology have the same political ideas, and that therefore these faculties are part of a design.

Psychology can reduce the human being to a subject to be observed, endowed with the same dignity as the insect analyzed by an entomologist, and it has understood in recent decades the techniques to manipulate both individuals and the masses.

Advertising is the most conspicuous and widespread phenomenon of mass manipulation, but we are immersed in manipulation. Analysis by definition is a violence, it is a dismemberment, it is a dissection. The clinical results of psychology are there, but they are slow and difficult to achieve, they presuppose professionals with a strong ethics and the strong honesty of wanting to heal, not influence, because psychology has the capacity for formidable manipulation.

There is a dark psychology that has manipulation as its purpose. It is the realm of spin doctors, the systematic study of propaganda that has made it an increasingly powerful and complex science. Since manipulation triumphed over the world, for just over half a century now, depression has increased by 1200%, while we have decided not to count phobic disorder as well as eating disorders because otherwise we’ll get depressed. Bizarrely, all the propaganda, fashion, animalism, so-called sexual freedom, drug addiction like a cheerful girl, the duty of impossible multiculturalism, abortion as an absolute and magnificent right, sex change as a real and desirable possibility, have contributed to destabilizing a society and pushing it towards a fluffy and glittery suicide.

Goebbels: 11 tactics of Dark Manipulation is the book by Gianluca Magi where we explore the techniques with which, having only radios, newspapers and newsreels, without the formidable weapon of television, an entire nation was manipulated to the point of pushing it towards the destruction of others, the massacre of innocents, the transformation of its land into a land of rubble and barbed wire. We can see an example in the management of the so-called pandemic.

In order to work, the 11 manipulation tactics need solid media. The dissident must be shot down, or, in the absence of special organs to overthrow him (Gestapo), must be isolated and ridiculed (Talk show), submerged by social contempt, deprived of the right to work and move: the measures against the unvaccinated have the sole purpose of the economic and social destruction of the dissident.  We need the collective journalist, the collective intellectual, the collective doctor and the collective teacher. Then comes the judiciary, the NAS sent to doctors who dared to make exemptions to a dangerous drug of dubious effectiveness, the arrest of some doctors, held in prison, such as Giuseppe Delicati, the Digos sent home to dissidents, like Ornella Mariani, for “contempt of institutions,” the magnificent crime that protects power from any criticism.

The first and fundamental rule is: simplification and a single enemy. Every problem, however apparently complex, must be reduced to a single slogan (the vaccinated do not get infected, if you do not get vaccinated, you die and you make people die), which must be repeated by all the unified media even if it is devoid of any truthfulness and any logic.

Giorgio Bianchi in his book, “Governing with terror: propaganda and power in the age of globalized information,” explains the same technique applied to the war in Ukraine.  Giorgio Bianchi is a 48-year-old Italian photojournalist, documentary filmmaker, director and journalist, who has sent reports from Syria, Vietnam, Burkina Faso, Nepal, Myanmar and especially Ukraine, which he has followed from Donbass since 2014. He has collaborated with La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, il Manifesto, Rai Cinema, La Stampa and Il Giornale, The Guardian and National Geographic.

Giorgio Bianchi has been dealing with Donbass since 2014, lives in Donbass, is on the blacklist of the Ukrainian government: on that same list there was the name of the Italian reporter Andrea Rocchelli killed in Donbass in 2014 while documenting that there was a war. The war began in 2014, on May 2, when the citizens of Donbass discovered that they were no longer allowed to speak Russian, that their employment contracts had to be revised, that the administrators they had elected had to be replaced, that their mines had been sold. In Odessa, an atrocious massacre was carried out whose well-known perpetrators were promoted and rewarded, and now receive weapons from Italy. In George Orwell’s 1984 book, zealous and terrified employees rewrite the past by correcting old newspapers with strips of paper and glue. In the age of electronics, just one click is enough: on the increasingly dubious Wikipedia encyclopedia, the Odessa massacre has modestly become the Odessa fire.

In the first chapter of his book, the journalist Giorgio Bianchi explains how the enormous increase in communication has created a situation where the narrative, that is, the story of the unreal, acquires in everyone’s mind a frightening prevalence over reality. Fear is the most ancestral of our emotions, the most powerful, and the most easily transmitted, because it is an emotion of defense. In a world that has a very clear perception of reality, the ability to propagate fear increases survival. In a world that has its incredible power, a power never possible before, over the transmission of the unreal disguised as real, the ability to unleash fear becomes a means for total control of people.

The English philosopher Hobbes described very well the pact between citizens who renounce a part of freedom in exchange for the protection of a state as the only possibility of a happy existence, or more simply of an existence. The problem that is now being posed is: how much freedom must the citizen give up, at what point can it be stopped? The second point is that, thanks to the existence of supranational structures both official (UN, European Community) and un-official, (Forum of Davos, Google, Apple, Facebook Amazon, Twitter, Big Pharma, Open Society, countless non-profit associations full of goodness), the will of the peoples is annihilated. Supranational structures prevail over national interests, as they are physically capable of modifying the guidelines of governments or directly modifying governments, in the rare but not impossible case of stubborn governments that refuse to change the guidelines.

The Odessa massacre has disappeared, as well as the Minsk treaty that committed Macron and Merkel to the protection of the Donbass and that, if applied, would have avoided the current conflict. The Nazi symbols of the Azov battalion have been downgraded to folklore. Here, too, we have simplification and a single enemy. The Italian people, locked up for two years and forced to inoculate with an experimental drug to counteract a disease that, if treated appropriately, has a 0.2% mortality rate, have been thrown into a deadly war for their economy, a war that could also be physical, with the affirmation that their economic destruction will be reduced to the renunciation of the use of the air conditioner, which the majority of Italians do not possess. Whoever dares to protest is a spoiled child who does not want to give up his air conditioner, and if the protests are not polite enough the Digos [Italian secret police] will arrive.









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viganò, tosatti,

Ecco il collegamento per il libro in italiano.

And here is the link to the book in English.

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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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1 commento

  • graeme taylor ha detto:

    the dark and sinister coordinated lies and propaganda of all western governments over the last 26 months have opened many peoples eyes.
    What is so very concerning is that the Shepherds were part of this mass hysteria and supporters of these lies. The bishops and the clergy have exposed themselves as faithless baffoons in costumes abusing their positions leading the elderly into believing this nonsense. They are not of God.