Dozens of Letters Sent to the Pope Supporting Eugenio Hasler. Why Doesn’t He Answer?
11 Aprile 2022
Marco Tosatti
Dear readers of Stilum Curiae, first of all I have to beg your pardon. Because some time ago I received – several weeks to be sure, maybe over a month ago – the message you are about to read, but it slipped my mind. I sincerely beg your pardon and I now publish it. Happy reading.
Dear Mr. Tosatti,
I am perfectly aware that right now there are many news items on the global level that are much more important and that are the focus of your attention, and that the world situation is undergoing epochal upheavals with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
However, I would like to allow myself to raise your awareness of a fact that has not been given much visibility for reasons that you can easily imagine. It is the affair of Mr. Eugenio Hasler, who served in the Vatican City State for about 12 years, and who was born and raised there as the son of a retired Swiss Guard Officer but who continues in faithful voluntary service with the smallest military body in the world.
In 2017, he was fired on the spot in person by Pope Francis without any explanation or formalizations. He held a post as clerk within the Vatican Governorate, and without any warning, from one day to the next, was dismissed verbally. There are no labor unions [at the Vatican], and there is no possibility of appeal “against” a decision of a Pope.
I personally knew Mr. Hasler when he was working and took action on a matter that concerned me personally. I personally witnessed the dedication of professionalism of this man who at the age of only 35 was practically ruined because some newspapers close to the Vatican wrote about the affair in an obviously negative way without deepening any understanding of what had transpired.
From the day I learned about this matter, I have written letters to the Pope almost monthly, with a petition that he would listen to his former collaborator and employee and give him the possibility of taking a stand against what seems to be mostly pretexts to get rid of an inconvenient person without any well-founded accusations. Mr. Hasler has repeatedly asked to be able to receive a trial or at least to be able to know the real “accusations” that were the basis for this unprecedented action by a pope. But neither he nor I – even after dozens of letters have been sent by me and probably many others of his friends and acquaintances – have ever obtained any answer. Instead, always closed doors and walls of silence.
There are many actions that the Pope criticizes publicly, such as gossip, power struggles, denouncing people to the head of the personnel office, the need to forgive, etc. – all of these topics have touched me deeply and demonstrate a disparity between the words and actions of this pope. The Pope defines these things as destructive power and condemns them.
As I said, I have never received any answer to the dozens of letters I have sent.
I then had the opportunity to listen to the pope’s interview on the program [late night talk show] “Che tempo che fa” on Italian public television a few weeks ago.
My first impulse on hearing the pope’s words (which however are not new but have been repeated often during the years of his pontificate) was to take pen and paper and write yet another letter to him to highlight the contradictions [between his words and actions]. Public opinion knows and appreciates the words and condemnations that the pope often expresses, but it does now know about facts like these that demonstrate a blatant and serious contradiction.
Obviously, I am certain that even in this case I would never receive an answer. My letters probably ended up directly in the trash can without even being opened.
However, after this last interview I decided to send a letter to you, because I hope that it can be made public or at least there can be awareness about this case that I believe is truly unjust and that ought to be brought to light at least for the sake of fairness. There is a saying in Italian (I am an Italian by birth even though I live and practice medicine in Germany): “Practice what you preach” [Predicare bene e razzolare male]. It applies in this case, and I am truly sorry that it appears that it is the highest figure of the Catholic religion who is doing it, but it appears to be so.
I have always thought in recent years that we ought not to always have recourse to public means of criticism (many people only want see the positive when it comes to the Church), while others instead seek to be mostly independent or in any case to keep a critical eye towards the Church – both among those who believe and those who do not believe – which has not always acted nor is it now acting in a way that is transparent and straightforward.
For this reason, I have always written to the pope privately without going to the press, but now, after many years with no response to my letters and prayers, I have decided to go ahead and submit something for one of your analyses. If you deem it to be right, you can publish what I am sending you.
If you have any questions, I am of course available. I have never been afraid of retaliation and I have always put my signature and my contact information on my letters, and so I do also in this case, even if I would have preferred to have found an open ear on the part of the Church rather than a deafening silence that has practically forced me to turn to public opinion…
Warmest greetings,
Dr. Orietta Cano
Orietta Cano – Specialist in General Medicine – Medical Psychotherapist
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Marco Tosatti
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