Viganò to Canale Italia: We are facing a Planetary Coup.
19 Dicembre 2021
Marco Tosatti
Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, last night Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano gave an interview for Canale Italia, which may be viewed at this link
As you know, Carlo Maria Viganò is an Italian Catholic archbishop, who since April 12, 2016, has been the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. The transmission of this interview on Thursday, December 16, 2021, direct from Studio 3 of Canale Italia was conducted by Vito Monaco with: Francesco Lamendola (philosopher), Claudio Daminato (lawyer) Alberto Gava (businessman), Andrea Cometti (Accademia Nuova Italia), Antonietta Gatti (bio-engineeer), Francesco Fontana (lawyer), Roberto Bonuglia (teacher and writer), Angelica Lorica (businesswoman).
(Source: Canale Italia on 16 December 2021)
This is the link for the address of Viganò:
And here is the transcription of the address:
Once again, after two years of psycho-pandemic farce, we find ourselves considering the apparent incongruence and contradictions of a series of measures nominally aimed at preventing the spread of the Covid-19 contagion. And once again it is necessary to restate a concept that can never be repeated enough: our questions, the very sensible objections that we make to those who are responsible for this economic, social, and health disaster are fundamentally inadequate. Yes: they are inadequate and irrelevant, because they take for granted that our interlocutors are acting with honesty and in good faith, and that their decisions are due to a series of unpredictable events and an emergency situation that it is continually evolving.
But the reality is quite different: all of the decisions taken by the government, by the European agencies and institutions and by the international organisms are perfectly coherent with a single script, under a single director, all having as their purpose the deliberate destruction of the social, political, and economic fabric – and obviously also the religious fabric – of the Nations, in view of the establishment of the New World Order, that is, a global dictatorship. In order to realize this criminal plan, which constitutes a true and proper planetary coup d’etat, an “emergency” was provoked – today the pandemic, tomorrow an ecological “emergency” – which allowed the initiation of the Great Reset theorized by the World Economic Forum and also adopted by the United Nations with the name Agenda 2030.
The interests at stake are well known: the abolition of national sovereignty, the impoverishment of the population, the drastic insecurity of unemployment, the abolition of private property, the reduction of job protection and the cost of labor, and the most detailed and invasive control of the activities and movements of individuals. All of this, described in great detail by the WEF, is being realized right before our eyes, with the complicity of the mainstream media, the enslavement of rulers of almost all countries, the corruption of the medical profession and the scandalous excessive power of the global financial elite. In fact there is no public or private body that is immune from the interference of these power groups, which have one of their many ramifications in the pharmaceutical companies and the investment funds which they are tied to.
If we understand that this is a coup and that its purpose is to establish a dictatorship, all of the apparent contradictions that we observe are shown to be coherent and logical, by the prohibition of treatments to the wicked ministerial protocols, from the ineffective lockdowns to the illegitimate vaccine obligations and the green pass, from the transfer of national sovereignty to the European mafia to the sale of national strategic assets to foreign multinational companies.
Seen in this light, it is easy to understand why we are witnessing all of those earlier forms of pathologization and then criminalization of dissent which distinguish the totalitarian regimes, following the model of the Chinese communist dictatorship. It is a sadistic operation – you spoke specifically of “State sadism” – since it is deliberately aimed at the social marginalization of dissenters by means of blackmail or legal obligation. It is equally sadistic from a health point of view, since it exposes healthy people to very serious health consequences, with the illusion of a non-existent benefit, with the purpose of creating chronically ill patients and provoking a drastic reduction of the population. It is sadistic from the economic point of view: think of the failures of so many businesses and the spread of unemployment and underpaid work. It is sadistic from the social point of view: the revision of land values and the proposed ecological adaptation of real estate will cancel a primary good like home ownership, replaced by a universal income that will make everyone slaves to power.
For these reasons, a firm and determined opposition is indispensable, by individuals as well as movements, which will be all the more effective the more widespread and non-institutionalized it is, without being monopolized by anyone. The Anti-globalist Alliance that I have called for could give guidelines in this sense: leaving those who adhere to its principles free to take practical action as they see fit and making the forms of repression that we have already seen operating objectively much more complex.
My hope is that, as this insane repression intensifies, in all Nations citizens will understand that the problem lies in the subversion and betrayal by those in authority of the purposes they ought to serve, and in their subservience to super-national powers that are the enemies of the common good precisely because they are the enemies of God and man.
The Lord shows us the hell on earth that awaits us if this coup is not denounced and stopped. It falls to us, with the courageous testimony of the Gospel in our lives, to show that a world that is obedient to the Law of God is not only possible but necessary, if we want this dystopian nightmare to end.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
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Ecco il collegamento per il libro in italiano.
And here is the link to the book in English.
Y este es el enlace al libro en español
(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)
Marco Tosatti
Chi desidera sostenere il lavoro di libera informazione, e di libera discussione e confronto costituito da Stilum Curiae, può farlo con una donazione su questo conto, intestato al sottoscritto:
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