Viganó. Act of Veneration of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2021.
8 Dicembre 2021
Marco Tosatti
Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish this act of veneration of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the occasion of December 8. Good reading and participation.
Piazza di Spagna, Rome – December 8, 2021
Ab initio et ante sæcula creata sum, et usque ad futurum sæculum non desinam:
et in habitatione sancta coram ipso ministravi.
Et sic in Sion firmata sum, et in civitate sanctificata similiter requievi,
et in Jerusalem potestas mea.
Et radicavi in populo honorificato, et in parte Dei mei hæreditas illius,
et in plenitudine sanctorum detentio mea.
Eccli 24, 14-16
These solemn words, with which the Holy Scriptures speak of the divine Wisdom, are attributed by the liturgy to the Most Holy Virgin. It is the Immaculate Conception who speaks:
“From the beginning, and before the world, was I created, and unto the world to come I shall not cease to be, and in the holy dwelling place I have ministered before him. And so was I established in Sion, and in the holy city likewise I rested, and my power was in Jerusalem. And I took root in an honourable people, and in the portion of my God his inheritance, and my abode is in the full assembly of saints.” (Ecclesiastes 24:14-15)
Chosen before the ages, established in the Church, Our Lady intercedes for us in the holy abode, she lives among us, and of us she is Queen. She has chosen us as a glorious people, a legacy of her divine Son, a host of saints. And it is significant that, through a singular symmetry, the hymn of the Dedication of a church Cœlestis urbs Jerusalem [“The heavenly city Jerusalem”] composed by St. Ambrose – whose feast we celebrated yesterday – can be applied to Our Lady: “O sorte nupta prospera, dotata Patris gloria, respersa Sponsi gratia, Regina formosissima, Christo jugata principi, cœli corusca civitas.” “Married by providential destiny, adorned with glory by the Father, crowned with the grace of the Bridegroom, most beautiful Queen, united with Christ the Prince, shining City of Heaven.”
On this blessed day, let us remember the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, preserved from every stain of original sin to be the living and uncontaminated tabernacle of the Most High. And while the world, corrupt and enslaved by sin, offers as a model a corrupt and vicious femininity, despising virginity, purity, and motherhood, we honor in the Ever-Virgin Mother of God She who rightly is also the Mother of the Church and our Mother.
We are children of the Blessed Virgin Mary and children of the Church, because the Virgin begets us in Christ to the Father, and at the foot of the Cross we have been entrusted to her by Him as children, and she to us as Mother. And the Church also generates us in Christ to the Father through Baptism, to the Church we are entrusted as children at the foot of the altar, and that water and blood that flowed from the side of the Lord flow abundantly in his Sacraments and in the Holy Mass, showing us the love of the divine Bridegroom for the bride, the Charity of Christ its Head towards the Mystical Body.
Do not forget, dear brethren, that as it is not possible to go to the Father except through His only Son, so it is not possible to go to the Son except through the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Queen, our Advocate, our Mediatrix at the Throne of God, our life, our sweetness, our hope. And there is no Church where there is no Mary, our Mother and Mother of the Church, our Queen and Queen of the Church.
We therefore honor Our Lady, who has placed in the new Jerusalem – the Holy Church – her abode, and who has chosen to live “in the midst of a glorious people,” as the book of Ecclesiastes states. A people that is glorious and honored not due to its own virtues, but because it has been sanctified by the Grace of God, by belonging to that Holy City to which we are all called. A people who today must regain the pride of their identity, the pride of belonging to Christ, the honor of standing under the holy insignia of the King of kings. A people who over the centuries have been able to build a Christian society that is now despised and banned by those who, rebelling against Christ, do not even tolerate that the blessed name of His Most Holy Mother Mary should even be pronounced.
Gathered in the Spanish Square, in front of the statue of the Immaculate Conception that the public authority erected to honor its Mother and Queen, let us renew our tribute and make it our purpose to rebuild, on the rubble of an apostate world, that “ordo Christianus” (“Christian order”) that alone can guarantee peace to mankind, concord among peoples, prosperity for nations, salvation for souls. This reconstruction, this spiritual and moral rebirth for which each of us longs, will be possible only if we know how to recognize the social kingship of Our Lord and live with coherence the Faith we profess.
This we ask, this we implore with firm and trusting faith in the Mother of God: Salve Regina, Mater misericordiæ… “Hail Queen, Mother of mercy…”
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
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Ecco il collegamento per il libro in italiano.
And here is the link to the book in English.
Y este es el enlace al libro en español
(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)
Marco Tosatti
Chi desidera sostenere il lavoro di libera informazione, e di libera discussione e confronto costituito da Stilum Curiae, può farlo con una donazione su questo conto, intestato al sottoscritto:
IBAN: IT24J0200805205000400690898
Oppure su PayPal, marco tosatti
La causale può essere: Donazione Stilum Curiae
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Tag: immaculate, viganò. 8th december
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Dear Enemies and Friends of the Cross,
Praise be to Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and St. Theresa, our only hope!
Why is Father Meeuwsen, who’s parents are first cousins, telling Anna “I don’t know what’s wrong with your mother” after he sees Betsy (Anna’s mother) stealing Asher right under his nose, having known Anna for over 20 years, and never found anything strange or weird about her (and being sad when someone files divorce isn’t weird, that’s 100% normal); now why is Father Meeuwsen covering for Betsy “Popkes”, his Church pianist, and her lover sterilized Steve, guitar player/vocalist, who had their affair in the late 90’s at St. Nicholas Catholic Church on the altar of God, right in front of his wife Mary Popkes, who was also in that same church choir, Anna, then 16 years old, who played violin in the same choir, and her father KofC John Stafford, who was sitting in the church pew or doing coffee and donuts with Anna, and all Father Meeuwsen can say is “I don’t want to hear it!” and “I don’t know what’s wrong with you and your mother!”
Well, will God hear Fr. Meeuwsen at his final judgment, when he doesn’t even care to listen to God at all? The commandments state clearly: Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, (or covet Asher, or Anna’s fortunes or goods, or reputation), and yet by his silence Father Meeuswen is breaking all of these laws and he will suffer worse than Betsy or Steve for his crime against the law, because he holds the Law as an anointed and bears more weight (book of Wisdom) to uphold the Truth.
Let’s pray that Father Meeuwsen has a conscience and grows a heart of Justice, this feast day of the Immaculate Conception, and starts fighting for Mother and Child, instead of aborting them and throwing them away like last night’s garbage, or into the sewer of hate. Anna is not a liar!
Anna was scandalized by unbaptized Jews in Oregon Multnomah County Family law, and by her own parents, who usurped the case to spread their communist disease throughout the entire world. Shame on Father Meeuwsen for playing suit. This is against the constitution: a trial without representation. Well, anyone who has been scourged through family law with no lawyer or an usurped-by-relatives lawyer, knows that this law becomes obsolete, as the United States got rid of the constitution through something they call “self-representation” and “debtor’s prisons.”
How cruel is it, that Betsy, her own mother, steals Asher, who was breast-feeding at the time, under the blackmail that she will literally throw Anna in a debtor’s prison if she calls her mother’s sexual affair out: “liar!” “Thief” “Sodomite!” etc. Our first amendment rights, civil and moral obligations, especially as Catholics, in Truth with our baptismal and confirmation vows.
But that’s what this world has become, a town of double-speak, and the double-doors of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic “Church” have opened wide to such, and put Anna and Asher into a corner, or crevice or cave. Anna and Asher by their appointment deserve the dignity of Mother and Child not because they have merited it, or because Mother Theresa of CAlcutta says they do, or Pope JP2 says they do, or that they truly deserve it, but because that was God’s plan from the beginning of time: that Adam and Eve and their children have the dignity of their worth invested in Christ the King and his blessed Mother, and that this dignity is from the Divinity, not of our own worth, and it will never end.
Is Father Meeuswen power hungry, fame and money seeking, too much to drop a dime, word, or deed to Anna and Asher’s cause? Surely, the Archdiocese has indirectly counseled him to break the Law, and this is so common now days. We can see it happen to the point that an entire coalition of canceled priests was formed, because these priests upheld their pro-life and anti-gay beliefs, and their corrupt diocese’ kicked them into the garbage can. Mother Theresa states that a country that kills it’s own unborn children will stop at nothing to enforce every evil design.
Summary: The cause of the indifference in this parish, the state, and her family about her relationship with Asher, which is God-ordained, is due quite frankly to abortion. Abortion has cause all of this strife, to the point that she surely believes that if people get right with God; if Betsy leaves sterilized Steve, gets off birth control and starts humbling herself before her husband John, and becomes the Catholic woman God designed her to be, if people stand up against abortion, everyone in the world will be crying tears of blood over the insanity of what they have done against Anna and Asher, collectively and individually by their vile quest for “freedom.”
I exhort again, any and all people who want to be friends of the Cross, and this is a thankless job, with no earthly rewards, to confront Father Meeuwsen and Deacon Espinoza, to call out the Courts, and to write to Betsy “Popkes,” exhorting her to leave her wicked adulterous ways, because if we don’t we all partake and are responsible in some way for her evil sin which has spread throughout the world.
Ivan Karmel and Thomas Ryan are two gay court men who presided over the case, and pedophilia of them is just so sick and disgusting. They care not who lives or is drugged and dies. Betsy “Popkes”, their advocate, drugged her own daughter Carrie until she lost her virginity, with Steve yelling in the background “date around! date around!” Well, all this promiscuity has hurt Carrie indefinitely, and she has become a tramp, kidnapper, pro-birth control and beyond, and Father Meeuswen and Deacon Espiniza could care less.
Anna asked Father Meeuwsen years ago to form a St. Padre Pio prayer group for Asher, and place a weekly “Asher’s corner” in the bulletin so Asher can learn his prayers and know that his Mother truly loves him. Father Meeuwsen didn’t bother to respond or take action. Anna does not have millions of dollars to spend suing her own mother in court when the laws protect the abuser more than the abused. Slander is legal in Oregon, and color-of-law complaints are in the thousands. Every day, drug dealers and rapists get “custody” of their kids through this horrible family law, one of the worst in the country, with men picketing the capital every year, and all Betsy “Popkes” can do is laugh and say “no I didn’t!”
Charity begins at home. If we cannot clean up this church in Aloha, if we cannot call out our neighbor, how can we expect the diocese or the world to be any better?
I exhort St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishioners to Justice, and to work for Justice in this dire case for Asher’s sanity, his Faith, his Catholicism, and his family, which is so scourged by evil intentions.
Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers, pray for us.
St. Michael, guide guard and defend us. Amen.