Letter from a French Health-Care Worker: “We Have Come Out of the Cave”

10 Novembre 2021 Pubblicato da

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, it seems of interest for us to reprint this very beautiful letter from a French health-care worker, published by Radio Radio, which throws a different light of hope for the future on the crisis and the difficulties we are living through. Enjoy your reading.


“Hats off to all those who have succeeded in transforming Coronavirus into a “global health crisis,” a “global pandemic.” Thanks to the fear of the media, thanks to dictatorial policies, thanks to corrupt or dogmatic scientists.

We would like to express our gratitude to them in this letter. Gratitude that comes from the word “grace.” Yes, we have been touched by grace, thanks to all of you.

This crisis is a revelation, an unveiling, an apocalypse. And after the apocalypse another world arrives. We will never return to the world as it was before – no offense to those who are still clinging to it.

For several years now, we have heard that many things are “wrong” in this world. Caught in everyday life with this confused sense of “something” being wrong, we have wandered around without truly understanding, holding on to this stale world in order to avoid the pain of detaching ourselves from it. Fortunately, the virus and its burlesque narrative invading the entire surface of the globe arrived, ripping off our blinders, leaving us to contemplate the disaster.

At first, we tried to understand. I can tell you that we never worked so hard. And I will tell you something more: we are all volunteers! We reviewed all the scientific articles, all the information, the laws, the decrees, the ordinances. We read all the information from the mainstream media and the so-called “conspiracy theorists.” We learned to master the internet, social networks, communication, graphics, non-visual and non-violent communication. … We wrote, filmed, published, coordinated, designed, sang, danced, and made works of art. We get up at dawn and only go to bed when we can’t keep our eyes open any longer.

You wanted to impoverish us, but instead you have enriched us so much: our knowledge is greater, we have discovered new talents. We overcame our limits: more than ever we are full of hope, courage, and joy.

You wanted us dead but we feel ourselves more alive and radiant than ever.

You wanted us to despair, but we are no longer in need of hope to go forward.

Thanks to you, we were able to identify what we didn’t want.

We do not want to live masked.

We don’t want to live distrusting each other.

We don’t want to live with an invented sense of guilt for “killing” our loved ones by transmitting a virus to them.

We don’t want to live forcibly vaccinated every month against all the viruses that there are and will be.

We don’t want a health passport and facial recognition; we don’t want to live being perpetually recorded.

We don’t want to live as prisoners in our own homes.

You wanted to separate us. “Hey everyone, social distancing: 1 meter, then 1 ½ meters, then 2 meters due to the new variants.”

Instead you brought us together.

You wanted to scare us, but instead we have come out of the cave. You are still in there, playing alone with your own shadows.

You wanted to keep us glued to the television, instead we turned it off, and tomorrow we will throw all of your consumer goods from their planned obsolescence.

Did you want to impose the health passport, monitor us, recognize us in person, perhaps cheat us? We are hungry for freedom.

Did you want to sell us expensive drugs of doubtful efficacy and safety? We are exploring other avenues to keep us healthy.

Did you want to impose your mercantilistic vision of the world, based on perennial doubt, with the goal of total expropriation, even up to our very lives? Instead we are laying the foundation for another exciting world based on gratitude, joy, and mutual support.

So, a huge thank you to you for all these benefits.


Carole and Louis Fouché









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Ecco il collegamento per il libro in italiano.

And here is the link to the book in English.

Y este es el enlace al libro en español



(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








Chi desidera sostenere il lavoro di libera informazione, e di libera discussione e confronto costituito da Stilum Curiae, può farlo con una donazione su questo conto, intestato al sottoscritto:

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Oppure su PayPal, marco tosatti


La causale può essere: Donazione Stilum Curiae

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