Korazym: On October 1 the State of Madness Enters Into Force Also in the Vatican
23 Settembre 2021
Marco Tosatti
Dear readers of Stilum Curiae, it seems right to me to re-publish this article from Korazym.org about the Green Pass obligation being enforced even in the Vatican. While I was reading it, I recalled an episode from a few years ago. It was shortly after 9-11, and during one of Saint John Paul II’s trips I was with other journalists, and we had succeeded in approaching the then-Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano. The conversation turned to the probable reaction of the Western world to the destruction of the Twin Towers, and the Cardinal exclaimed: “They cannot ask us to get behind the cannons…” Those were different times: now the Lords of the World have succeeded in placing the Pope and the Vatican behind a syringe…Enjoy your reading.
Beginning on October 1, entrance into the Vatican City State and the extra-territorial zones of the competence of the Holy See will be granted exclusively to individuals who are armed with the State-issued Covid Digital Certificate (the Vatican Green Pass), the Covid Digital Certificate (the European Green Pass) or a foreign Covid-19 Green Certification proving that they have either been vaccinated against Sars-CoV-2 or have recovered from Covid-19, or else having taken a molecular or rapid antigenic test for the Sars-CoV-2 virus with a negative result. Speaking of bridges to be built and walls to be demolished…
This is what is established by Ordinance N.CDXXXIX of 18 September 2021 promulgated by the Pontifical Commission of the Vatican City State on the matter of the public health emergency, issued at 2:00 P.M. today by the Press Office of the Holy See. Control [of enforcement] is delegated to the Gendarmerie Corps and today’s provisions “apply to citizens, residents in the Vatican City State, to current employees of whatever title, in the Governoratorate of the Vatican City State and the various Organisms of the Roman Curia and the Institutions connected to it, to all visitors and users of services.” The Ordinance continues: “An exception is made for those who participate in liturgical celebrations for the time strictly necessary for the performance of the rite, without prejudice to the current health regulations on distancing, on the use of personal protective equipment, on the limitation of circulation and gathering of people and on specific hygiene regulations.”
We recall that these provisions are continually disregarded by the Head of the Vatican City State himself, who urges us to tear down walls (but not the walls of Vatican City) yet who as of October 1 is forbidding entrance into the Vatican by those who lack a Green Pass. Jesus Christ touched and healed lepers; however, his Vicar on earth not only does not allow the sick to enter the Vatican, but not even those who are healthy without the Green Pass. At a time when we did not expect this we have said many times: Mala tempora currunt sed peiora parantur (The times are bad but worse ones are being prepared).
Furthermore, we recall that the Green Certification does not cure Covid-19 and does not prevent the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus from spreading. The Green Certificate, which is useless and dangerous, which has no scientific value, which has been defined by the French philosopher Delsol as a “brutal law,” violates European regulations: it goes against two resolutions of the Council of Europe on the subject of anti-Covid-19 vaccination and against European Law N. 953, which has fallen into the cosmic void. In an open letter to the Prime Minister, some British Christian leaders have taken a position against the “illiberal” project of vaccine passports, because it is “one of the most dangerous political propositions ever made in history.”
N.CDXXXIX- Ordinance of the President of the Pontifical Commission of the Vatican City State on the matter of the Public Health Emergency. (18 SEPTEMBER 2021)
– in view of the Fundamental Law of the Vatican City State of 26 November 2000;
– in view of Law N. IV on the administrative order of 7 June 1929;
– in view of Law N. LIV on the on the protection of the safety and health of workers in the workplace of 10 December 2007;
– in view of the Law on Sources of Law N. LXXI of 1 October 2008;
– in view of Law N. CXXXI on citizenship, residence and access of 22 February 2011;
– in view of Laws N. CCLXXIV on the Government dello Stato della Città del Vaticano, del 25 novembre 2018;
– in view of the Decree n. LXXII of the President of the Governatorate of Vatican City State with which the technical regulations for the implementation of the law on the protection of the security and health of workers in the workplace of 1 October 2008;
– in view of the Decreee n. CDXXXII of the President of the Pontifical Commission of the Vatican City State on the matter of the issue and management of the Covid Digital Certificate of Vatican City State of 15 July 2021;
– in view of the provision of the Directorate of Health and Hygiene of 8 September 2021;
Sent to all the Directorates and Offices of the Vatican City State, of the Holy See, and related bodies.
Considering that in the audience granted on 7 September 2021 the Holy Father:
– affirmed that it is necessary to ensure the health and well-being of the working community while respecting the dignity, rights, and fundamental liberties of each of its members;
– asked that the Governatorate issue the present ordinance for the purpose of taking all appropriate measures to prevent, control, and combat the ongoing public health emergency currently occurring in the Vatican City State and in the areas referred to in articles 15 and 16 of the Lateran Treaty, in the context of their specific legal statue;
He has promulgated the following
Articole 1
§1. As of 1 October 2021, entry into the Vatican City State and the areas referred in Articles 15 and 16 of the Lateran Treaty is granted exclusively to subjects who possess the Digital Covid Certificate of the State (“Vatican Green Pass”), the Covid Digital Certificate pursuant to article 4, §1 of Decree n. CDXXXII of 15 July 2021 (“European Green Pass”) or foreign Covid19 green certification proving the status of vaccination against SARS-Cov-2 or recovery from SARS-Cov-2, or the carrying out of a molecular test or rapid antigenic with negative result for SARS-Cov-2 virus.
§2. Control of access to the [Vatican City] State and the areas referred to in articles 15 and 16 of the Lateran Treaty is entrusted to the Gendarmerie Corps.
- 3. The present provisions apply to citizens, to residents in the [Vatican City] State, to personnel serving in any capacity in the Governatorate of the Vatican City State and the various organisms of the Roman Curia and the Institutions connected to it, to all visitors and users of services.
- 4. An exception is made for those who participate in liturgical celebrations for the time strictly necessary for the performance of the rite, without prejudice to the health prescriptions in force regarding distancing, the use of personal protective equipment, the limitation of circulation and assembly of persons and the adoption of specific hygienic norms.
Articole 2
§1. Without prejudice to what is established in the matter of Law n. LIV on the protection of security and health of workers in workplaces of 10 December 2007 and by the technical implementation Regulation of 1 October 2008 and any subsequent amendments, the competent Administration is required to observe the directives referred to in article 1 of the present ordinance, also adopted for the protection of security and health of workers or of those entrusted to it or dependent on it by reason of the tasks performed.
§2. The Service for the Health and Security of Workers in workplaces of the Health and Hygiene Department, pursuant to article 7, paragraph 6 of Law N. LI on the protection of the security and health of workers in workplaces of 10 December 2007, carries out the verification of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Articole 3
The provisions of this ordinance come into force beginning on 1 October 2021, until new provisions are made.
The original of this ordinance, bearing the seal of the [Vatican City] State, will be deposited in the Archive of the Laws of Vatican City State and the corresponding text will be published, as well as in the Supplement of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, by posting in the courtyard of San Damaso, in the post offices of the [Vatican City] State, and on the [Vatican City] State website, and by sending it to anyone who is responsible to observe it and see that it is observed.
Vatican City, 18 September 2021
The Secretary General
“It will not be long before the hierarchy will not ask people for a baptismal certificate to show that they are Catholic, but a Green Pass” (Kattoliko Pensiero @kattolikamente – Twitter, 20 September 2021).
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Marco Tosatti
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