Agostino Nobile Traces Links between Vaccines, Cryptocurrency and Great Reset.
15 Settembre 2021
Marco Tosatti
Dear Stilumcuriali, Agostino Nobile offers us this reflection on the current situation related to vaccines, the G 30 and the strategies of Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Big Tech, and their effects on the economic and financial system. Enjoy reading.
Comparing the number of people infected last summer with the vaccine summer of 2021 shows that the vaccine is not helping but worsening. Although the media are babbling and trying to grasp at straws, Italy is catching up with super-vaccinated countries like Israel and the UK.
So why do PM Draghi and the like continue with vaccines? Certainly not for the love of the citizens and to get the economy going again. It’s just to achieve what he confirmed to the G30 at the December 2020 meeting: the Creative Destruction and New Era (which they themselves create through lockdowns and covid passes).
Speaking of Creative Destruction, New Era or Great Reset, after the article I want to add another pearl made by tycoon Bill Gates.
For the incredulous, just go to the international patents page Click on the triangle next to Field to open a short list. Click on the file ID/Number. Next to it, on the right side, there is a long horizontal rectangle where it says Search terms, here you write 060606 (patent ID number). Clicking on the search icon on the right-hand side of this rectangle will open a list where, among others, you will find patent number 9 of 26.3.2020 from Microsoft.
WO – 26.03.2020
Int.Class G06Q 20/06Appl.No PCT/US2019/038084Applicant MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY LICENSING, LLCInventor ABRAMSON, Dustin
“Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”
Patent WO / 2020/060606 refers to facts officially registered by Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC under the chairmanship of Bill Gates, which obtained international status on 22 April 2020. As we have seen, the title of this patent, “CRIPTOVALUE SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA”, can only leave doubts to President Mattarella & C. But it is more likely that they are perfectly aware of it, and that they are taking the piss out of millions of Italians.
A detailed description of the invention also provides a list of countries for which the invention is intended. There are several regional organisations with all the members of the United Nations. These include the European Patent Office, the Eurasian Patent Organisation and two African intellectual property protection organisations.
Short parenthesis.
As you can see on the above-mentioned site, WIPE, the identity number 060606 is shared with other patents. This should dispel the argument that it is linked to the Revelation of St John. But, honestly, it is not sufficient proof. Whether 666 is used for electronic or other reasons changes nothing. Numerical symbolism is part of the Bible, but with regard to 666, the mark of the beast, exegetes do not give an unequivocal interpretation. However, we must admit that St John is not far removed from the inhuman restrictions that governments want to impose on the unvaccinated today, and probably soon on those who have had their arms pierced repeatedly.
Let us read the passage from Revelation 13:16-18
“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”
So, the text that St John wrote two thousand years ago should, at least for those who have a little common sense, make reflect. I cannot imagine Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, a Confucius or Buddha writing these few lines which, because of the transhumanist similarity that we are living today, open a window on the metaphysical dimension. The path taken by the new Leviathan was unthinkable even just two years ago. Only a giant Christian mystic could have foreseen two thousand years ago what is happening today.
Back to our “philanthropist”.
Bill Gates’ company is also involved in the ID2020 Alliance project, which is based in New York. This is a digital project that has tackled digital rights. The Alliance actively supports the Rockefeller Foundation, the design firm, the consulting firm Accenture and various vaccines, and the company Gavi, which distributes these vaccines worldwide.
The Vaccine Alliance covers countries mostly in Africa and Asia. In Europe, the organisation is present in Albania, Croatia, Moldova, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, which are listed as founding partners. If they have not yet established themselves in Western European countries, they are probably doing so now.
Since February 2020, the Gavi company has been focusing on the Vaccine Alliance coronavirus epidemic. The CEO of this organisation is Dr Seth Berkley, who has strong links with organisations and companies such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, the pharmaceutical lobby and the World Bank Group.
It seems that Covid-19, lockdowns and vaccines are the weapons that will wipe out the banks, the main source of entrepreneurs and others. Except for Big Pharma and Big Tech, no enterprise, from family businesses to multinationals, emerges unscathed from the pseudo-pandemic. The aim, as they say themselves ad nauseam, is to achieve the Great Reset. But Mattarella and his friends are playing dumb. Draghi, on the other hand, spoke about it to the G30. Not because he was honest. Feeling protected by the powerful of the G30 and beyond, he listens to no one and goes straight for the road set by the Establishment. He is sure of victory, but evidently ignores history. All the satraps and their retinues have ended badly. Those who got away with it, like Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong, were judged by history, bringing deep shame on their children and descendants. But even if historians make a hero of them, there will be – believe it or not – another Judgment. Inappellable. And it will certainly not be Jorge Bergoglio that can guarantee him a mitigated sentence or absolution. On the contrary, it will make the situation worse.
Last July 2021 in Brussels, digital money was discussed. ECB President Christine Lagarde said: “Our work aims to ensure that in the digital age, citizens and businesses continue to have access to the most secure form of money, central bank money”. As the concepts of cryptocurrency and digital money clash, we don’t know if they are playing good cop/bad cop to create, according to them, the most citizen-friendly alternative. The fact is that step by step, except for popular and/or judicial reaction, the currency will be wiped out in order to limit citizens’ freedom as much as possible.
How far we could go.
You protests? No money. Insult a ruler? No money. Do you oppose gay marriage, surrogacy, the sexualisation of children and paedophilia? No money. And if you insist, we will also reset your memory.
Agostino Nobile
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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)
Marco Tosatti
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