A Summer Meditation on the Two-Headed Church. To Whom can one Appeal?

5 Settembre 2021 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, in these closing days of summer that still has not left us, Veronica Cireneo offers us her third summer meditation, also responding to the comments made on Stilum in response to her first two reflections. Enjoy your reading. 




The Church is holy and also composed of sinners. 


Yes, but I protest!


Why do I protest? To reiterate the obvious, a thing so reviled in the former Holy See and in the globalist state, which are so similar in their methods, actions, and intentions that they are really two sides of the same coin, to the point that it becomes extravagant to even think today of “giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and giving to God what is God’s.”


As it turns out, the Church has become a two-headed monster.


She has two heads: one “pope” who holds power and one who has the munus.


Between the two things lies the munus.


But normally these two offices belong to the same person: the legitimately elected pope, the Vicar of Christ in authority and doctrine.

And while a billion people (but perhaps far fewer) would like the two faculties to be represented in one, this is not the case.


To whom can one appeal, asking that they declare that Bergoglio is a usurper?


There is no authority, if one excludes those little dear courageous priests who are placed in so much difficulty, that has yet declared it unequivocally!


And yet so many simple faithful people know it, feel it, understand it, and confirm it.


Meanwhile, we continue to live out what someone has said, I don’t know who: “Certain popes, God inflicts them.”


Had we been more faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, we would not have arrived at this merited punishment that God permits in order to demonstrate how many of those who claim to be sheep are goats and to demonstrate how much hypocrisy there is in the heart of man toward Him.


But whoever remains faithful to Him will never do what the usurper says and suggests to do: “Getting vaccinated is an act of love” (! ?)


Finish your sentence, Your Falsity! An act of love towards who? Perhaps towards Big Pharma? Oh, yes! Definitely.


Whoever loves Christ and knows and lives His Word understands that Bergoglio and He are two figures that do not match up, in fact they go in absolutely opposite directions.


And yet how many self-styled Christians say that they are vaccinated or they will get vaccinated because the pope has said they should?


How can someone who goes against God’s will be pope?


And how can a lay person call himself a Christian who says that be believes in God and yet does not realize that the bishop dressed in white is cursing Him?


They also swallowed the horror of the demoniacal Nativity Scene at the Vatican in 2020


They do not realize anything, these living dead, these hypocrites, these whitewashed tombs, this race of blind vipers.


And yet they say that they see. And this is why their sin remains.


But whoever loves Christ: sees, knows, understands and freely chooses Him, more than ever before, despite the discomfort of this forced super-imposition between Christ and His Assassin [Sicario – a pun on Vicario], which absolutely does not convince as a path of salvation and rather identifies as an easy and short way to perdition.


Beware: We have only one soul! It’s not worth playing dice with it!


We should live on our knees, in order to help Mary to destroy the dragon as soon as possible. May the times be shortened!


And we do this because Lucifer is not and never will be our God, as Archbishop Viganò correctly denounced only a few days ago as the final intention of the dark power that is now ruling the world (I renew to him my invitation to declare the usurper Bergoglio as a heretic, apostate, outside the Church, precursor of the Antichrist, and son of the Pachamama).

Vade retro!

May Christ reign. May Satan sink.









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(su TELEGRAM c’è anche un gruppo Stilum Curiae…)






Marco Tosatti








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