The General Laporta: Better than Mario Draghi for Now there is Nothing
9 Agosto 2021
Marco Tosatti
Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, General Piero Laporta has sent us – after a brief exchange of messages on WhatsApp – this article. Which we gladly publish, thanking him from the bottom of our hearts, even if it does not reflect at all what we think, far from it. But strange as it may seem, we do not believe to be repositories of truth, and we try to make Stilum Curiae a place where different opinions, and also – God forbid! – different from those of the manager can have space. In particular, we think that a Prime Minister who lies shamelessly (vaccines would save lives, and just from Israel, a country supervaccinated, comes the denial) and indicates a category of people who have an opinion, legitimate and well-founded, different, to public obscurity is dangerous, and despicable. Good reading and good reflection
Many complain about what I wrote in Stilum Curiae, “Laporta: I Like Draghi, He came down from Britain before the Sale of Italy”. The same piece on my blog is titled: “Mario Draghi is not a cicisbeo”. I hope Marco Tosatti doesn’t mind, but my title seems more suitable than his. Those contesting me have in fact stopped at the title, indeed at the first part of the SC title: “I like Draghi”. I maintain instead – and I repeat – that Sergio Mattarella’s political choice was and is the best possible, the only possible one. Otherwise, who else?
If I had been mischievous, I would have remembered who Draghi’s predecessor was, where he want take us and where he would still like to take us, with the favor of 92.7 percent of the domesticated fellows.
Draghi, I thought the meaning of my piece was clear, is a natural consequence of Italian history and politics. We must therefore take into account that Italy is a colony. We must remember this not only when it is certified by a well-known courtier, valet of Enrico Berlinguer’s[1] epigones and MI6, of terrorism, through which we have been subjected. We are a colony; Draghi can only operate realistically, aware of managing a situation largely compromised by the gangsters’ policies of the previous half century.
Not by chance my piece – please re-read it again – starts from two former presidents of Italian Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Francesco Cossiga. I should have also written about Giulio Andreotti, he aspired to succeed the accomplice Cossiga; we will talk about him on another occasion.
Ciampi became general manager of Bankitalia immediately after the assassination of Aldo Moro, with a curriculum vitae suitable for the director of the bank of Scurcola Marsicana[2]. Cossiga, letting Aldo Moro kidnapped and killed, opened his way toward the presidency of Italian Republic, despite the painful resignation as Interior Minister and the sincere tears (how to doubt it?) in front of the tomb of Aldo Moro, with following telecameras. Both gave Italy hostage to the foreigner, who wanted it for German and who was Anglophile, this was the only difference.
Ciampi and Cossiga, on the other hand, were in Italy hegemonized by Gianni Agnelli, with the white helicopter carrying Henry Kissinger (the enemy of Aldo Moro and carrying many other else), while his butler served coffee to a Enrico Berlinguer. All with clean hands, you understand, inebriated first in Togliattigrad, baptismal font of Accattocomunismo[3], and then to Comiso, baptistery of the Second Republic.
In such a country, the rise of Mario Draghi is a miraculous. It is not a cicisbeo; I repeat and it is not a rib of the system of power by Sardinian bandits. Let’s repeat it, it is not a pussy, which is not a small thing in Italian politics. The ones doubting can recall the court of Bettino Craxi and the Berlusconi season, the perfect continuity with the Movimento 5 Stelle[4], passing from the smutandate[5] rooms of Mediaset[6] to Palazzo Chigi.
Mr. Berlusconi and his pussies broke their noses on another Mario, also a banker, Mario Monti, far more insidious than Draghi. Catholic keyboard warriors pounce today on Draghi as never happened yesterday with Monti. The reason, in my opinion, is simple. Killed Aldo Moro, the Catholics have lost the ability to look objectively, to discern reality without however falling into cynicism or sentimentality, just as a Catholic should be able to make.
Draghi is not a cynic; he is tough but not cynical. Draghi is a banker. In the lead has the binary system: black-white, positive-negative, plus-minus. In other words, “power relations” are its DNA. Nevertheless, he has shown ductility and sagacity to harness the Soros’s fellows, slow down the Zan march towards the butt of children, impose on the prosecutors’ plot a reform of justice otherwise impossible. He has declassified the acts on the P2 and Stay Behind, hidden by Catholic politicians and accattocomunisti. Who could do better in a few months?
Keyboardists against Draghi forget that the disconcerting Zan firstly passed to the Parliament in the inertia of the Catholics, crouched some on the right and otheron the left wings.
Draghi wants to inoculate vaccines? Of course, and it’s good if you let they inoculate. What do you expect? Should the head of government, Mario Draghi, the most authoritative in Europe, say “do not vaccinate”? He cannot, he must not and therefore he does not want to. If he did the opposite it would fall in two hours, you would not have the reform of the judiciary, the economic crisis would kill you, Zan it would triumph. There are balances of power which must be objectively taken into account; he is right to do so.
The fog in the Catholic heads forbid they to understand an elementary fact: vaccines work, at the cost of hundreds of deaths from thrombosis and heart attack, the vaccines yet work. The hundreds of deaths, caused by vaccination poisons, are not matter for the survivors. Mors tua vita mea[7] still regulates interpersonal power relations and interpowers relations. If, on the other hand, genetic and medical disasters occur, as has been announced by authoritative sources, the violence will explode irrepressible.
It is more likely, in my view, that the number of victims will remain substantial but low. Big Pharma is not fools. Vaccines are a huge business, thousands of trillions, able to fill the pockets of many, paying off the interests of financial sharks. If the health catastrophes announced by the no Vax will become reality, the balance of power in public opinion would suddenly change.
It is more profitable for Big Pharma to channel the masses from the sodomies of Sky at the concerts of Vasco Rossi and from here to the rows for the vaccine. If a few hundred will die for thrombosis or heart attack, the others will make a reason for it. In this way, a sickly, vaccinated and beaten democracy will survive, with unchanged balance of power.
The balance of power in a democracy is amended by elections. Was not Draghi depriving the elections of the Italians. Was not Draghi who escaped from Palazzo Chigi, when Giorgio Napolitano crowned himself leader of the war against Libya. Draghi has taken over a democracy seriously infected by others before him; it is certainly not a syringe that makes things worse or better.
Catholics and bourgeoisie resign themselves: they must personally fight for their own freedom.
Don’t you want the vaccine? Do not you let him inoculate and you assume the consequent responsibilities and you stop the jeremiads as a fake deportee. You won’t go to bars, restaurants, and museums; you will not visit the sick in the hospital and the prisoners in prison (but you did not do it even before). You will wear the mask where it is required or you will take the fine and then you will oppose it in front of the regional administrative courts. These are the rules of the game. Risks of die? Of course, because Covid is a reality; if you end up in the hospital, the care protocols kill you more than the virus.
Why only the over-sixty, like me, seem hostile to the vaccine? We are not hostile to the vaccine; we are wise and distrust. Those who lived the years before and after Aldo Moro, are aware of facing a criminal system towards which maximum circumspection is required. How many have devoured more than 10 trillion euros of the banking system; those who have accumulated wealth by spreading poverty and promising well-being; those who have sold off and betrayed Italy; those who have destroyed the public health system exploiting the private one; all of them and their valets cannot be the guarantors of my and our health. For this reason, the over-sixties, without the need to work, resilient and content, refuse the vaccine. Why risk, even if the risk was minimal? Why risk it if the policy is unreliable? Why put our lives in the hands of the Arcuri, of Pregliasco, Bonetti and that stupid, Parkinson afflict, whose name I not remember?[8] Draghi has nothing to do with this. He has arrived and must be able to get by. Indeed, if you shift the responsibility onto Draghi, you do a big favor to all the real culprits, those I listed above and countless others. Politics is a serious matter; Draghi is after all restoring her dignity.
The freedoms and rights of citizens in a democracy are decided by politics and regulated by law, not by dippicciemme[9], written by any stupid. That is the point, that is what the Constitution says. For half a century, however, the Constitution has been trampled underfoot, starting with the no-Catholics, clapped by Catholics and by the bourgeoisie, precisely those most hostile to Draghi today.
For now, the Green pass is not required to enter the church and supermarkets. Do not mislead yourselves, it does not happen out of a particular respect for Catholics or for the sake of the family economy. In the first case, the problems with the Muslims weigh plays; those facing the government decrees, pulling a knife if necessary and even if it is not necessary. In the second case, they avoid frictions with China, master of the coffers of a large part of the prominent Italians. As you can see, immigration has its advantages, after all.
What, then, changes the balance of power in the absence of elections? Philosophers? The homilies of the few believing priests? The indignant jurisconsults? The bellicose articles on the web? The tv debates? Catholics, be serious! Only violence changes the balance of power, lacking the democratic instruments such as elections. You, Catholics, are horrified by violence because you are suited to cowardice, at the most conscientious objector you are. Remember when you trumpeted to be conscientious objector. They were castrating you and you were happy and unaware as the sterilized cats on the vet’s table. But rest assured, there is another instrument of which I will say later, even more feared and effective then the violence.
Who can generate violence? Clear your head of the models of extremist buffoons, black and red. Revolutionary violence is triggered only if the power makes gross mistakes. For example, denying salary to those who do not get vaccinated.
For now, dear Catholics, repent of having clapped Andreotti and Cossiga, of having favored divorce and abortion, of having considered Berlinguer reliable, being you coaxed by his good friend Agnelli; repent above all of having accepted an acephalous Church and the quantity of priests serving the opposing parties. You should beat them, instead stay at home, dear Catholics, mumble and let Draghi work, because for now there is nothing better even in your ranks. And if you really want to remedy it more quickly than with violence, hold on to our most effective weapon, the Holy Rosary; go and recite it where the main enemy is, in St. Peter’s Square. I will follow you, because the Devil crouches under the Holy Water; in fact, the Devil has forbidden it: Holy Water bothers him, more and more than vaccine.
[1] Enrico Berlinguer was the boss of the Italian Communist Party till 1984, when died.
[2] Scurcola Marsicana is a rural village of Abruzzo, a little region of Italy.
[3] “accattocomunismo” is a untranslatable play with two Italian words 1) accattone (beggar) and 2) Cattocomunismo, the communist wing of Catholics.
[4] 5 Stars Movement, the Party of Beppe Grillo, the comical
[5] Without underwear
[6] Silvio Berlusconi’s Broadcast
[7] Your death is my life
[8] Health operators
[9] DPCM, decree of President of Ministers Council
Gen. D.g..(ris) Piero Laporta
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Marco Tosatti
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