24 Agosto 2020 Pubblicato da


Marco Tosatti

Dear Stilumcuriali, the US presidential elections in November are approaching, and dott. Leo Conti has sent us this brief, very interesting note on the relationship between the Democratic Party and the largest abortion factory in the world, Planned Parenthood. Good reading.


Are Democrats the Party of Death?

 (Dr. Leo Conti, Washington DC)


  1. The Democratic National Convention, which took place via video from August 17 to 20,[1] formally nominated Biden and Harris for the 2020 Democratic ticket. Former Vice-President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris are two committed soldiers in the abortion army of Planned Parenthood.[2] Nothing new under the sun: already in 2006, a book had exhaustively documented how the Democratic Party had become the party of abortion, euthanasia, embryo destruction, and infanticide.[3] It is therefore not surprising that, during the Convention, the delegates would reaffirm their full support of Planned Parenthood,[4] thus mirroring their common (dis-)values, and expressing their gratitude for Planned Parenthood’s financing of Democratic candidates.[5]


  1. The link between Democrats and abortion is not temporary but solidly engrained. This finds confirmation in the appeal, and Party’s lack of response to it, through which, on August 14, more than 100 Democratic politicians urged the Democratic National Platform Committee, not to reverse, but at least to moderate the Party’s official position on abortion.[6] The signatories requested “reintroducing the conscience language from 2000 into the 2020 platform, which acknowledges that Americans have differing and deeply held views on abortion”, and called upon the Party “to avoid divisive policies, such as passing a law in Congress defining a right to abortion (‘codifying Roe v. Wade’) and introducing taxpayer-funded abortion (‘repealing the Hyde Amendment’)”. In support of these requests, the signatories did not appeal to the intrinsic evil of the crime of abortion, but instead articulated their concerns that the current Party policies on abortion are (1) “radically out of line with public opinion”, (2) “alienating voters”, and (3) a “betrayal of Democratic Party values”, such as inclusivity (not the inclusion of the unborn among the human beings entitled to rights, starting from the right to life, but the inclusion, in the party, of pro-life Democrats too).


  1. Who are the signatories of this appeal? Apart from one governor, “old Democratic glories” who are now retired, and local representatives, no Senator (out of the 45 Democrats, plus two so-called “independents” who caucus with them, in the Senate), and only two current Congressmen (out of the 232 Democrats in the House of Representatives), put their signature under the statement. The two pro-life Democratic Congressmen in question (undoubtedly a species in serious danger of extinction) are Dan Lipinski and Collin Peterson. As to the former (a representative from Chicago, IL, in his fifties),Planned Parenthood has already taken (successful) action to get rid of him by pumping money into the primaries that saw the victory, against him, of a pro-abortion competitor.[7]As to Collin Peterson, a Congressman from Minnesota in his seventies, he is still afloat.


  1. The pro-life appeal from August 14 went directly into the garbage can, as the Democratic platform 2020 remains solidly pro-abortionist, with no conscience clause.[8]The Democrats’ attention is definitely focused on something else.[9] The difference with which they are really concerned are certainly not those raised by a tiny pro-life minority, but those between extremists (known in the press as “moderates”) and hyper-extremists (known in the press as “progressives”) on themes which lie at the core of the concerns of the left worldwide: from the expansion of the welfare state by imposing higher taxes to unchecked immigration, to the creation of ideal conditions for a permanent revolution.


  1. Though timid, the August 14 appeal is something. (Saint Maximilian Kolbe, on whose feast-day the appeal was signed, pray for the signatories!) However, in light of what has taken place for decades within the Democratic Party, that appeal sounds (alas!) more like a swan song than a comeback. We can continue discussing as much as we wish on the opportunity, as a matter of theory, that pro-lifers be present in all parties alike. However, when, in practice, a party (like the Democratic Party) systematically gets rid of anyone daring raise his voice against the crime of abortion, it is better to face reality, and call that party, not for what it used to be (if ever), or what we would like it to be, but for what it really is: a party staunchly at the service of the (in-)culture of death.


[1]           https://www.demconvention.com/schedule-and-speakers/?_sft_event-day=august-18.

[2]           Their record clearly emerges from the website “On the Issues”: Joe Biden on abortion(https://www.ontheissues.org/2020/Joe_Biden_Abortion.htm) and Kamala Harris on abortion(https://www.ontheissues.org/Social/Kamala_Harris_Abortion.htm).

[3]           Ramesh Ponnuru, The Party of Death (Regnery Publishing, Washington DC 2006).

[4]           See the statement from August 19, at https://democrats.org/news/dnc-statement-of-support-for-planned-parenthood/.

[5]           The details of contributions to candidates at the federal level are at https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/pacgot.php?cmte=C00314617 (99% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans, and evidently 1% to so-called “independents”).

[6]           See https://www.democratsforlife.org/index.php/articles-and-op-eds.

[7]           https://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/dan-lipinski-one-of-the-last-pro-life-democrats-discusses-abortion-and-his-; https://www.prochoiceamerica.org/2020/02/24/naral-response-campaign-support-marie-newman/.

[8]           https://www.demconvention.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-07-31-Democratic-Party-Platform-For-Distribution.pdf.

[9]           https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/512404-five-things-to-know-on-the-democratic-platform.

(Translation of the Author).


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